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Klaipėda: jūra- miestas-uostas. Ką gali papasakoti nuotrauka?.Klaipėda: sea-city-port. What can the photo tell you?

Proposer: Daiva Verkulevičiūtė-Kriukienė  – Role or Function: University teacher April 12th, 2024 Klaipėda: jūra-miestas-uostas. Ką gali papasakoti nuotrauka? Klaipėda: sea-city-port….

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Speleo – Bádej víc!

Proposer: Vít Volný  – Role or Function: Board member for Youth Czech Geography Association April 12th, 2024 Speleo – bádej…

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photography contest on SDG11 with images on inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable spaces

Proposer: Sonia Ruiz Conesa  – Role or Function: April 5th, 2024 photography contest on SDG11 with images on inclusive, safe,…

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Južna Indija in Butan / South India and Bhutan

Proposer: Stanko Pelc  – Role or Function: University professor April 5th, 2024 Južna Indija  in Butan Stanko Pelc and Bharath…

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GeoNight 2024 all’IIS “Verona Trento-Majorana” (ME) – Nel mio mondo…il Mondo!

Proposer: Stefania La Malfa e Alessandra Spavara   Role or Function: Docente di Geografia “IIS Verona Trento- Majorana” -Messina venerdì 12…

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Osservare, ascoltare, disegnare: Cartografie come visioni urbane. Incontro con Laura Canali, cartografa e map artist

Proposer: Tania Rossetto e Laura Lo Presti  – Role or Function: docenti universitari, Università di Padova venerdì 5 aprile 2024…

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Penser les centres-villes anciens dégradés, le cas de Villeneuve-Saint-Georges.

Proposer: Noé TAREL  – Role or Function: Étudiant en urbanisme Magistère Aménagement Paris 1 April 5th, 2024 Penser les centres-villes…

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Alla ricerca delle infrastrutture sociali: una passeggiata esplorativa a Catania

Proposer: Claudia Cantale, Arturo di Bella, Erika Garozzo, Teresa Graziano, Luca Ruggiero (University of Catania, Italy) venerdì 5 aprile 2024…

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Sustainable city

Proposer: Tihana Modrić  – Role or Function: Teacher April 12th, 2024 Sustainable city Description: 6th grade students will present 3D…

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Les sciences géographiques face à la problématique des changements socio-environnementaux

Proposer: TOKO IMOROU Ismaïla  – Role or Function: Secrétaire Général de l’Association Béninoise de Géographie April 12th, 2024 Les sciences…

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Public Gaming Night – Serious Gaming as a Field of Geograpic Research

Proposer: Rouven Kaiser  – Role or Function: Researcher and PhD studet April 5th, 2024 Public Gaming Night – Serious Gaming…

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Commonshood all’orto della SME: geografie digitali, cura e creazione di valore

Proposer: Samantha Cenere  – Role or Function: RtdA presso Dipartimento ESOMAS, Università di Torino venerdì 5 aprile 2024 Commonshood all’orto…

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Passeggiata decoloniale nel rione Palestro

Proposer: Sara Bin  – Role or Function: Presidente Ass. Italiana Insegnanti di Geografia (regione Veneto) April 5th, 2024 Passeggiata decoloniale…

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I sfumaturi ri Catania

Proposer: Teresa Scacciante  – Role or Function: Class Coordinator 4F IIS Marconi-Mangano April 12th, 2024 I sfumaturi ri Catania Description:…

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Sensors vs. Senses : mapping the sensitive campus

Proposer: SIVDBI (Fériel Goulamhoussen, Lou Hamonic, Tasnîme Louartani, Lisa Taïeb, Ophélie Templier) & cocarto April 12th, 2024 Université Gustave Eiffel…

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Geo quiz and science experiments

Proposer: Sanja Ivanovic and Ivana Skocic  – Role or Function: Geography and Biology teachers April 12th, 2024 Geo quiz and…

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SPAZIO POETICO L’università come laboratorio transitorio per corpi in fermento

Proposer: Panos Bourlessas (per tutto il settore di Geografia del Dipartimento SAGAS)  – Role or Function: Ricercatore a tempo determinato…

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un ‘mare’ al cENtro

Proposer: Paolo D’Angelo  – Role or Function: venerdì 12 aprile 2024 un ‘mare’ al cENtro a ‘sea’ in the cENter…

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PROCESOS URBANOS Y CAMBIOS GASTRONÓMICOS EN EL BARRIO DE LAVAPIÉS (MADRID). Urban Processes and Gastronomic changes in Madrid´s central area. The case of Lavapiés.

Proposer: Prof. Manuel Valenzuela Rubio Y Carmen Hidalgo Giralt  – Role or Function: Vicepresidente RSG y Profesora Universidad Autónoma de…

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Limoges la nuit : ballade géographique

Proposer: Isabella Tomassi and Marie Cherchelay  – Role or Function: PhD student and post doctoral researcher April 12th, 2024 Limoges…

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IX Wieczór z geografią przed maturą / 9th Evening with Geography before the Matura Exam

[ENG below] Zapraszamy serdecznie tegorocznych i przyszłych maturzystów na otwarte wykłady obejmujące wybrane treści z zakresu rozszerzonego podstawy programowej geografii…

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¡Desafío Geográficooo!

Este año celebramos en Sevilla la Noche de la Geografía (GeoNight 2024) con este desafío en el que tendrás que…

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GEONIGHT 2024 – Passeggiare nello spazio e nel tempo.

Proposer: Lucia Masotti  – Role or Function: Docente universitaria; coordinatrice del Laboratorio di Cartografia, Direttrice del Centro Interuniversitario Fontes venerdì…

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Il Multiverso per la narrazione dei territori. Cambiamenti, genere, migrazioni

Proposer: Luisa Carbone  – Role or Function: university professor April 12th, 2024 Il Multiverso per la narrazione dei territori. Cambiamenti,…

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GNSS Workshop: Principles and Practical Training

Proposer: Masoud Minaei  – Role or Function: Associate Professor – IGU Commission on Geographical Information Science, steering committee member April…

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Alla scoperta della terza dimensione

Proposer: Maria Laura Pappalardo  – Role or Function: Docente universitario venerdì 5 aprile 2024 Alla scoperta della terza dimensione Discovery…

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Szerémség, mint az első elsüllyedt magyarAtlantisz címmel tarthatnánk egy közös.

Proposer: Bányászné Dr. Kristóf Andrea, Dr. habil Kókai Sándor  – Role or Function: assistant professor / professor April 5th, 2024…

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Geografijos paieškos mieste

Proposer: Violeta Krikščiūnienė  – Role or Function: Geography teacher April 5th, 2024 Geografijos paieškos mieste Description: Pupils of the progymnasium…

Muzeul Hartilor, traseu urban, tur ghidat, noaptea geografiei
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Guided tour in Bucharest

Proposer: National Museum of Maps and Old Books April 12th, 2024 Guided tour in Bucharest by Cezar Buterez (geographical magician)…

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Le retour du train de nuit

Proposer: Iwan Le Clec’h  – Role or Function: Coordinateur April 12th, 2024 Le retour du train de nuit Description: Retour…

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Mapping for Sustainable Development Goals

Proposer: Jimerveille THIERRY-NGOUAMA  – Role or Function: YouthMappers Regional Ambassador April 5th, 2024 Mapping for Sustainable Development Goals Description: The…

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Is this the right way?

Proposer: Josipa Zanki  – Role or Function: geography teacher April 12th, 2024 Is this the right way? Description: The activity…

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Popołudnie powtórkowe z geografii w IGiGP UJ dla maturzystów

Proposer: Justyna Liro, Aneta Pawłowska-Legwand  – Role or Function: organizers, assistant professors April 5th, 2024 Popołudnie powtórkowe z geografii w…

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“Tradizioni, desideri,emozioni…!” Geonight 2024 Istituto Comprensivo “Pace del Mela”

Proposer: Fiorentino Grazia  – Role or Function: Docente Scuola Primaria socia e vicepresidente AIIG sezione Messina venerdì 12 aprile 2024…

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New Geography Challenges – How Geography Science and Education Adapt to a Constantly Changing World?

Proposer: Prof. Dr. Georgi Zhelezov  – Role or Function: Head of Department “Geography”, National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography…

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Enchanting Cartography / Varázslatos kartográfia

Proposer: Katinka Tóbiás – Ramóna Vámos  – Role or Function: organisers April 12th, 2024 Enchanting Cartography / Varázslatos kartográfia Description:…

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Virtual Field Trips

Proposer: Maria Pigaki  – Role or Function: President of Hellenic Geographical Society April 5th, 2024 Virtual Field Trips Description: Digital…

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Energy Sustainbility in Urban Enviroments

Proposer: Ružica Lončar  – Role or Function: high school Geography teacher April 12th, 2024 Energy Sustainbility in Urban Enviroments Description:…

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A Cross-Generational Dialogue: Embracing the Geographer Profession – Professionalism and Prospects in the Work Environment

Proposer: Dr. Edy Trihatmoko  – Role or Function: Event Coordinator of KAGEGAMA April 5th, 2024 A Cross-Generational Dialogue: Embracing the…

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La città autistica

Proposer: Egidio Dansero  – Role or Function: Professor April 12th, 2024 La città autistica Conversazioni attorno al libro La Città…

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Case, cemento e città. Un dialogo a partire dal libro “Cemento armato. La politica dell’illegalità nelle città italiane”

Proposer: Francesco Chiodelli  – Role or Function: Docente universitario venerdì 12 aprile 2024 Le città nella morsa di cemento e…

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Cartographier les transitions

5 Avril 2024, 18h30 April 5th, 2024, 18.30 pm Conférences : Cartographier les transitions  Comment représenter les territoires en transition…

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Discover the city of Avilés

Observatorio del Territorio / Departamento de Geografía / Universidad de Oviedo   April 12th, 2024 Discover the city of Avilés Observatorio del Territorio / Departamento de…

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Geovagando con il quartiere

Proposer: Daniele Paragano, Marxiano Melotti, Giulia Vincenti, Vincenzo Mini, Tiziano Gasbarro  – Role or Function: Docente Universitario venerdì 12 aprile…

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Artificial Intelligence from a Geographic Perspective: Future Challenges

April 12th, 2024 Artificial Intelligence from a Geographic Perspective: Future Challenges This year the Eramus Mundus Joint Master on Climate…

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Practice Geography with the Didactic Atlas of IGN

Propone: IGN – Instituto Geográfico Nacional de España Idiomas: inglés y español 12 de abril de 2024 Actividad del «Atlas…

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Cantare i luoghi. Viaggio geografico nelle città attraverso la canzone d’autore

Proposer: Alessandro Turcato / Angelo Besana  – Role or Function: Presidente A.I.I.G. sez. Trentino-A.A. / ricercatore Università di Trento venerdì…

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Piccoli geografi alla scoperta del proprio territorio: i tesori di Tremestieri Etneo

Proposer: ANNA MARIA GAZZANA  – Role or Function: Docente Scuola Primaria venerdì 12 aprile 2024 Piccoli geografi alla scoperta del…

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Esplorare la bellezza nascosta: geografia, suoni e cultura nei quartieri del VI Municipio

Proposer: Giuseppe Bettoni  – Role or Function: Docente universitario venerdì 5 aprile 2024 Esplorare la bellezza nascosta: geografia, suoni e…

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Geo Pubkviz

Proposer: Antonio Vrbatović  – Role or Function: nastavnik geografije April 12th, 2024 Geo Pubkviz Description: Učenici će sastaviti pitanja za…

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Upoznaj svoj grad

Proposer: Blanka Krnić  – Role or Function: Teacher of geography April 12th, 2024 Upoznaj svoj grad Description: Šetnjom po gradu…

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Itinerario geográfico en la UA

Proposer: Antonio Prieto Cerdán  – Role or Function: University professor April 12th, 2024 Itinerario geográfico por la UA Description: Discover…

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Noite da Geografia

Proposer: Andre Carmo  – Role or Function: Vice-president of the Portuguese Association of Geographers April 5th, 2024 Noite da Geografia…

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“Zaragoza desde las alturas”

Proposer: Ana Isabel Escalona  – Role or Function: Director of the Department of Geography Francisco Pellicer Corellano: Profesor titular de…

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Il paesaggio nascosto del Parco del Peralto (Genova)

Proposer: Lorenzo Brocada  – Role or Function: Presidente della Sezione Genova-Savona AIIG April 5th, 2024 Il paesaggio nascosto del Parco…

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Il mio mondo nel Mondo

Proposer: Stefania La Malfa  Role or Function: Presidente AIIG (Associazione Italiana Insegnanti di Geografia) Sezione Provinciale Messina   venerdì 12…

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L’Atlante del Cibo nel social network civico FirstLife

Proposer: Alessia Toldo  – Role or Function: Researcher April 12th, 2024 L’Atlante del Cibo nel social network civico FirstLife Description:…