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Proposer: Dr. Swarnima Singh  – Role or Function: University Professor (Assistant) April 12th, 2024 GEOGRAPHY FOR FUTURE EARTH: COUPLED HUMAN-EARTH…

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Alla ricerca delle infrastrutture sociali: una passeggiata esplorativa a Catania

Proposer: Claudia Cantale, Arturo di Bella, Erika Garozzo, Teresa Graziano, Luca Ruggiero (University of Catania, Italy) venerdì 5 aprile 2024…

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Public Gaming Night – Serious Gaming as a Field of Geograpic Research

Proposer: Rouven Kaiser  – Role or Function: Researcher and PhD studet April 5th, 2024 Public Gaming Night – Serious Gaming…

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Sensors vs. Senses : mapping the sensitive campus

Proposer: SIVDBI (Fériel Goulamhoussen, Lou Hamonic, Tasnîme Louartani, Lisa Taïeb, Ophélie Templier) & cocarto April 12th, 2024 Université Gustave Eiffel…

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SPAZIO POETICO L’università come laboratorio transitorio per corpi in fermento

Proposer: Panos Bourlessas (per tutto il settore di Geografia del Dipartimento SAGAS)  – Role or Function: Ricercatore a tempo determinato…

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Limoges la nuit : ballade géographique

Proposer: Isabella Tomassi and Marie Cherchelay  – Role or Function: PhD student and post doctoral researcher April 12th, 2024 Limoges…

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Amazing Maps – Mapas sorprendentes

Proposer: Miguel PAZOS-OTON  – Role or Function: Senior Lecturer in Geography – Dpt of Geography – University of Santiago de…

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Il Multiverso per la narrazione dei territori. Cambiamenti, genere, migrazioni

Proposer: Luisa Carbone  – Role or Function: university professor April 12th, 2024 Il Multiverso per la narrazione dei territori. Cambiamenti,…

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GNSS Workshop: Principles and Practical Training

Proposer: Masoud Minaei  – Role or Function: Associate Professor – IGU Commission on Geographical Information Science, steering committee member April…

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Il fiume Verrino e i suoi abitanti. Esercizi di deep mapping

Proposer: Marco Petrella  – Role or Function: Professore Associato Unimol, Presidente AIIG Molise venerdì 12 aprile 2024 Il fiume Verrino…

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Saharyjskimi piaskami Mauretanii – Geopraktyki w Afryce (en. The Saharan sands of Mauritania – Geopractices in Africa)

April 5th, 2024 Saharyjskimi piaskami Mauretanii – Geopraktyki w Afryce (en. The Saharan sands of Mauritania – Geopractices in Africa)…

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Popołudnie powtórkowe z geografii w IGiGP UJ dla maturzystów

Proposer: Justyna Liro, Aneta Pawłowska-Legwand  – Role or Function: organizers, assistant professors April 5th, 2024 Popołudnie powtórkowe z geografii w…

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New Geography Challenges – How Geography Science and Education Adapt to a Constantly Changing World?

Proposer: Prof. Dr. Georgi Zhelezov  – Role or Function: Head of Department “Geography”, National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography…

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Tips and tricks for newcomers to the publishing process

Proposer: Hristina Prodanova  – Role or Function: Member of the BGS Executive team April 12th, 2024 Tips and tricks for…

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Добри практики в публикационния процес [Best practices in publication process]

Proposer: Hristina Prodanova  – Role or Function: Member of the BGS Executive team April 5th, 2024 Добри практики в публикационния…

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Reading about sustainability

Proposer: Gabriela Adina Morosanu  – Role or Function: Co-chair of the IGU YECG GEOSUS working group April 12th, 2024 Earthbound…

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A Slide Presentation on Tajikistan: Our Researchers’ Expedition/ Diavetítéses előadás Tádzsikisztánról, kutatóink expedíciója

Proposer: Dr. György Sipos  – Role or Function: presenter, organiser April 12th, 2024 A Slide Presentation on Tajikistan: Our Researchers’…

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Practice Geography with GIS and viewers

Propone: IGN – Instituto Geográfico Nacional de España Idiomas: inglés y español 12 de abril de 2024 Analiza la dinámica…

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A Cross-Generational Dialogue: Embracing the Geographer Profession – Professionalism and Prospects in the Work Environment

Proposer: Dr. Edy Trihatmoko  – Role or Function: Event Coordinator of KAGEGAMA April 5th, 2024 A Cross-Generational Dialogue: Embracing the…

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Paskaita: Nuotoliniai Žemės tyrimai / A lecture: Earth Observation from Space

Proposer: Elzė Buslavičiūtė  – Role or Function: April 5th, 2024 Paskaita: Nuotoliniai Žemės tyrimai / A lecture: Earth Observation from…

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Participatory processes and rural heritage

Proposer: Camilla Giantomasso  – Role or Function: Research fellow April 12th, 2024 Participatory processes and rural heritage Description: Rural heritage…

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Geovagando con il quartiere

Proposer: Daniele Paragano, Marxiano Melotti, Giulia Vincenti, Vincenzo Mini, Tiziano Gasbarro  – Role or Function: Docente Universitario venerdì 12 aprile…

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“Explore the world/ Poznaj świat”

Proposer: Agnieszka Strzelecka  – Role or Function: Researcher, University of Szczecin April 12th, 2024 “Explore the world/ Poznaj świat” Description:…