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Country: ITALIA – City: NAPOLI – Address: Italia,Napoli, Piazza Santa Maria in Portico 24 GEOGRAFI PER UN GIORNO Description: During the morning the students…

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Transport hub in Caucasus region. Zangazur koridor.

Country: Azerbaijan – City: Baku – Address:  Transport hub in Caucasus region. Zangazur koridor. Description: the importance of transport hub in Caucasus region….

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Geo night

Country: Lietuva – Lithuania – City: Šilutė – Address: Pagėgiai Municipality, Rambynas Regional Park Geo night Description: Night hike “Geography Nights” On 2025-04-04, a…

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Creating Knowledge Network Through Geospatial Technology

Country: India – City: Gorakhpur – Address: Uttar Pradesh, Gorakhpur Creating Knowledge Network Through Geospatial Technology Description: Presentation and discussion by diverse stakeholders to…

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UniCarTo 2025: mappare la città di Torino con il punto di vista degli studenti universitari – Vol.1

Country: Italy – Italia – City: Torino – Address: Campus Einaudi – Lungo Dora Siena 100 UniCarTo 2025: mappare la città di Torino…

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“GeoNight: Meno Spreco, Più Pianeta!”

Country: Italy – Italia – City: Catania – Address: Via Confalonieri n.9/d “GeoNight: Meno Spreco, Più Pianeta!” Description: L’evento propone un’occasione di approfondimento e…

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Geospatial Insights for Climate Resilience: Mapping Change, Shaping the Future

Country: Nigeria – City: Ibadan, Nigeria – Address: Department of Geography, Faculty of the Social Sciences, University of Ibadan, Nigeria Geospatial Insights for Climate…

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Ekspedition at night

Country: Lietuva – Lithuania – City: Alytus – Address: Topolių 20, Alytus Ekspedition at night Description: Lectures, assignments,quiz   Main objectives: 1. Popularization of…

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Il patrimonio cartografico dell’Istituto di Geografia Umana dell’Università degli Studi di Milano. Ricerca, didattica e prospettive di valorizzazione

Country: Italy – Italia – City: Milano – Address: Italia, Milano.  via Santa Sofia 9/1 (Aula M205) Il patrimonio cartografico dell’Istituto di Geografia…

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Potential of Renewable Energies in Andalusia (South of Spain)

Country: Spain – España – City: SEVILLE – Address: Potential of Renewable Energies in Andalusia (South of Spain) Description: This presentation will share…

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Vsako potovanje se začne s prvim korakom

Country: Slovenia – Slovenija – City: Ajdovščina – Address: Ajdovščina, Cesta 5. maja 12 Vsako potovanje se začne s prvim korakom Description: Pogledali bomo,…

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Map talks | Dall’Atlante alla Cartografia digitale

Country: Italy – Italia – City: Pisa – Address: Italia, Pisa, Piazza San Paolo all’Orto 20 Map talks | Dall’Atlante alla Cartografia digitale Map…

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Country: Italy – Italia – City: Torino, Complesso Aldo Moro – Università degli Studi di Torino – Address: Italy, Turin, Piazzale Aldo Moro, 10124…

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Osjeti moć geografije kroz noć geografije

Country: Bosna i Hercegovina – City: Ilijaš – Address: Ilijaš – Srednje Osjeti moć geografije kroz noć geografije Description: Dragi učenici, s veseljem vas…

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GeoPiknik na Żylecie

Country: Poland – City: Sosnowiec – Address: Poland, Sosnowiec, Będzińska, 60 GeoPiknik na Żylecie   Description: “GeoPiknik na Żylecie” is a popular science event…

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Geography Revision Days for Graduates, Institute of Geography and Spatial Management, Jagiellonian University, April 3–5 and April 10–12, 2025 – Lectures and Workshops

Country: Poland – City: Krakow – Address: Poland, Krakow, Gronostajowa 7 Geography Revision Days for Graduates, Institute of Geography and Spatial Management, Jagiellonian University,…

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Ismerd meg lakóhelyedet

Country: Magyarország – Hungary – City: Nagybaracska – Address: Magyarország Nagybaracska, Szabadság tér 19-21 Ismerd meg lakóhelyedet Description: Gyalogtúra lakóhelyünkön. A túra során különböző…

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Közép- Ázsiától Ceglédig napfogyatkozás a kőzetek árnyékában

Country: Magyarország – Hungary – City: Cegléd – Address: Cegléd, Szabadság tér 4. Közép- Ázsiától Ceglédig napfogyatkozás a kőzetek árnyékában Description: Előadók-témák: Oláh Róbert-A…

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Geografija kitaip

Country: Lietuva – Lithuania – City: Skriaudžiai – Address: Jaunimo g. 5A, Skriaudžių km., Veiverių sen., Prienų r. Geografija kitaip Description: there will be…

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Strange economic maps

Country: Magyarország – Hungary – City: Budapest – Address: Hungary, Budapest, Közraktár u. 4–6. Strange economic maps Description: An online quiz game with recognition…

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Dai biomi ai numeri: la natura tra geografia, scienza e matematica

Country: Italy – Italia – City: TORINO – Address:  Dai biomi ai numeri: la natura tra geografia, scienza e matematica Description: Quest’incontro, parte…

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Країна:  Україна –  Місто:  Київ / Чернівці – Адреса:  Київ, вулиця Володимирська, 44 / Чернівці, вулиця Коцюбинського, 2 GeoBonfire опис:…

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First International Conference on Climate Actions and Just Transition | Online Webinar: “ Imagine an Alternatives: Institutions, research, movements”

Country: Italy – Italia – City: Padova – Address: Via Ognissanti, 39 First International Conference on Climate Actions and just transition “ Imagine an…

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Country: Lietuva – Lithuania – City: Šiauliai – Address: Lithuania, Šiauliai, Dainų 7 GeoNight’25 Description: Geography Night at school. The event is aimed at…

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Luoghi tra realtà, emozioni e virtualità… ieri, oggi e domani!!

Country: Italy – Italia – City: Pace del Mela (Me) – Address: Italia-Pace del Mela (ME) Istituto Comprensivo Pace del Mela Pace del Mela…

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La merveilleuse nuit de la géo!

Country: Tunisie – City: Tunis – La MARSA – Address: Louis Pasteur Gammarth – LPG – Route du relais, 2046 La Marsa – Tunis…

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4a. Noche Mexicana de Geografía, Naturaleza y Sociedad

Country: Mexico – City: Ciudad Victoria – Address: Av. Libertad 356, Col. 87019, División del Golfo, Amp la Libertad, Cd. Victoria, Tamps. 4a. Noche…

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Geography as adevnture and discovery

Country: Bulgaria – City: Sofia – Address: Acad. Georgi Bonchev str., block 3 Geography as adevnture and discovery Description: Seminar with short presentations  …

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Workshop: Crafting a “Deko-Boko” landform model of the underground valley of downtown Tokyo and Onigiri (rice ball) mountain in Shikoku

Country: Japan – City: Tokyo – Address: Komazawa University, 1-23-1Komazawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 154-8525, Japan Workshop: Crafting a “Deko-Boko” landform model of the underground valley…

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Noi siamo paesaggio. Storia visuale e partecipata di Rabbi e Peio

Country: Italy – Italia – City: Peio/Rabbi – Address: Peio, sede del settore trentino del Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio / Rabbi, Centro visite Parco…

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Mapas en la era digital: cartografía de riesgos de inundación en el sureste de la Península Ibérica

Country: Spain – España – City: Murcia – Address: Murcia, Murcia, Campus de La Merced, C/ Santo Cristo, 1 Mapas en la era digital:…

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Geography Quiz

Country: Magyarország – Hungary – City: Tápiószentmárton – Address: 25 Fő u. Tápiószentmárton 2711 Geography Quiz Description: A quiz game which could be filled…

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Ciceroni per un giorno: alla scoperta di Paganica

Country: Italy – Italia – City: L’Aquila – Address: Paganica, Via Onna Ciceroni per un giorno: alla scoperta di Paganica Description: Gli alunni della…

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Location Detectives: Measure, Explore, Discover!

Country: Slovenia – Slovenija – City: Maribor, Ptuj – Address:  Location Detectives: Measure, Explore, Discover! Description: Location analysis is the process of finding…

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Head of the Department of Human Geography

Country: Magyarország – Hungary – City: Miskolc – Address: Miskolc-Egyetemváros 3515 Head of the Department of Human Geography Description: GeoNight at the University of…

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Look and see! Exploring the Balaton Highlands with VR glasses

Country: Magyarország – Hungary – City: Debrecen – Address: Hungary, Debrecen, Egyetem tér, 1 Look and see! Exploring the Balaton Highlands with VR glasses…

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Kramtyk geografiją (Chew geography)

Country: Lietuva – Lithuania – City: Kruonis – Address: Lithuania, Kruonis, Darsūniškio str. 11 Kramtyk geografiją (Chew geography) Description: The event will start with…

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And this is where people start their day

Country: Lietuva – Lithuania – City: Kaunas – Address: Lithuania, Kaunas, Šiaurės ave. 57 And this is where people start their day Description: Evening…

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Alla scoperta della bellezza: Catania e i suoi tesori

Country: Italy – Italia – City: Tremestieri Etneo- Catania – Address: Via Guglielmino n.49 Tremestieri Etneo Alla scoperta della bellezza: Catania e i suoi…

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Geografía en Málaga

Country: Spain – España – City: Málaga – Address: Plaza de la Constitución de Málaga. It can change in case they deny the place…

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Geografie dell’abitare

Country: Italy – Italia – City: Imola – Address: Imola (BO), via Emilia, 69 (at Sis-Ter Srl SB) Geografie dell’abitare Geographies of living…

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La geografía como herramienta de futuro: nuevas técnicas para conocer nuestro planeta

Country: Spain – España – City: León – Address: La geografía como herramienta de futuro: nuevas técnicas para conocer nuestro planeta Description: En…

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Pasaulis Ugnės Karvelis akimis: UNESCO misija (The World in the Eyes of Ugnė Karvelis: the UNESCO Mission)

Country: Lietuva – Lithuania – City: Akademijos mstl. – Address: Mokyklos g. 5, Kauno r. Pasaulis Ugnės Karvelis akimis: UNESCO misija (The World in…