What is geography? – Kaj je geografija?
Short presentation of the event: Osrednji dogodek Zveze geografov Slovenije bo sestavljen iz okrogle mize o geografiji kot priložnosti posameznikov in družbe, podelitve Bohinčeve nagrade za najboljšo študentsko raziskovalno nalogo in podelitve Fotografskih nagrad I(skupaj z DUGS-om) na temo “Mi v pokrajini” za najboljše fotografije med osnovnošolci, srednješolci in študenti.
The main event of the Association of Slovenian Geographers consists of a round table on the topic of geography as an opportunity for the individual and society, the awarding of the Bohinec Award for the best student paper and the awarding of photography prizes among young photographers.
Objectives: približati geografijo širši javnosti
Event language: slovenski
Country: Slovenija
City: Ljubljana
The event will be: po spletu
Link (for online events): [it will be displayed here as soon as possibile]
Reference person: Aleš Smrekar
Role or Function: član Izvršnega odbora Zveze geografov Slovenije
Reference Organization (if any):
Those who organize are: strokovnjaki, geografski navdušenci
Expected duration: približno dve uri
Event program: [to be be displayed here as soon as possibile]