Mountain Tourism: the new deal – Il turismo in montagna: nuovi scenari

Mountain Tourism: the new deal – Il turismo in montagna: nuovi scenari

Short presentation of the event: I nuovi scenari del turismo in montagna e i cambiamenti delle destinazioni rispetto alle nuove esigenze del turista sempre più informato, innovativo, interattivo e impaziente nella navigazione in rete

The new scenarios of mountain tourism and the changes in destinations with respect to the new needs of the tourist who is increasingly informed, innovative, interactive and impatient in surfing the net

Objectives: diffondere una cultura dell’ambiente e dell’ospitalità

Event language: italiano

Country: Italia

City: Forni Avoltri – Udine

The event will be: In presenza (se consentito dalle regole covid, altrimenti sarà online)

Link (for online events): [it will be displayed here as soon as possibile]

Reference person: Marino Firmani

Role or Function: Project manager di bella Italia Efa Village

Reference Organization (if any):

Those who organize are: Project Management Consulting

Expected duration: circa 30 minuti

Event program: [to be be displayed here as soon as possibile]
