Mosaici di Paesaggi. Visioni e azioni per la Sostenibilità
Short presentation of the event: Interventi di studiosi ed esperti di diverse discipline e associazioni ambientaliste sul tema del Paesaggio e della Sostenibilità
The department of Agriculture, Food and Environment of the University of Catania (Italy), within the recently-created Permanent Workshop for Sustainability, celebrates the International Night of Geography with an online event.
Starting from the geographical-territorial approach, scholars of different disciplines, professionals and representatives of associations will explore together the interdisciplinary implications of the concept of Landscape as it was established by the European Convention in 2000, which emphasizes the emotional dimensions of the relationship between landscapes and local communities, as well as the need of preservation and valorization from the perspective of environmental and socio-economic sustainability.
The event includes the Instagram photo-contest “Geo(foto)grafie di Paesaggio”, which will we host by the Department Instagram account (di3a.unict).
Event language: Italian
Country: Italy
City: Catania
The event will be: Online
Link (for online events): CLICK HERE TO PARTICIPATE – un click qui per partecipare dalle ore 16.
Reference person: Teresa Graziano – Claudio Gambino – Luigi Scrofani
Role or Function: Assistant Professor in Economic and Political Geography – Regional Trustee for Sicily of the Italian Geographical Society (Teresa Graziano)
Reference Organization (if any): Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Catania
Those who organize are: Academicians
Expected duration: 2 hours and half (starting from 4 pm)
Event program: [to be be displayed here as soon as possibile]