Analysis and visualisation of Google Location data
Date and time: 9. 4. 2021, 20:00 CEST
Short presentation of the event:
ENG: Main objective is to raise the awareness about Google Location History data and the potential that they have in the analysis of the spatial patterns of movement. The presenter (Ľuboš Rybnikár from EGEA Olomouc) is going to show the outcomes of his Bachelor thesis in which he was trying to find the possible ways of analysis and visualisation of these data. Currently he continues his work in his Master thesis in which he is analysing the spatial patterns of movement of selected persons in Olomouc based on Google Location data and he is going to present what he has found out so far.
Popis události:
CZ: Chcete sa dozvedieť viac o tom, čo je to Google Location History a Google Maps Timeline? Majú iní užívatelia prístup k dátam o našej histórii polohy? Akým spôsobom je možné stiahnutie dát, aké analýzy sa nad nimi dajú prevádzať a aké sú možnosti ich vizualizácie?
To všetko a ešte oveľa viac sa dozviete od Ľuboša Rybnikára z EGEA Olomouc, ktorý je študentom Katedry geoinformatiky UPOL. Možnosti využitia dát služby Google Location pre časopriestorové analýzy pohybu osôb skúmal už vo svojej bakalárskej práci a v súčasnosti vo výskume ďalej pokračuje v rámci svojej diplomovej práce.
Event language: Czech / čeština
Country: Czechia
City: Olomouc
The event will be: Online
Link for the recording/ odkaz na záznam:
Reference person: Daniela Kebertová
Role or Function: contact person of EGEA Czechia (member of Czech Geographical Society)
Reference Organization: EGEA Olomouc, Czech Geographical Society
Those who organize are: Students
Expected duration: around 30 minutes