Teaching geography in a changing world

Teaching geography in a changing world

Short presentation of the event: The program is expected to present possibilities in the teaching of geography in a changing world. This is due to the present pandemic and how to deliver modules, especially fieldwork, practicals, and other aspects unique to geography.


Objectives: This virtual interaction is expected to discuss among other things the ways in which the pandemic has affected teaching especially geography. Also, the interaction will provide possible ways to improve our online teaching (Geography) in the country.

Event language: English

Country: Nigeria

City: Ibadan

The event will be: Online

Link (for online events): [https://meet.google.com/wtm-ijem-tef]

Reference person: Dr. Olutoyin Fashae

Role or Function: President

Reference Organization (Nigerian Geomorphological Working Group):

Those who organize are: Academics, Geography enthusiasts, Students

Expected duration:  1 hour 30 minutes (7 pm to 8:30 pm)

Event program: [Interviews with prominent Geographers with Live discussion on how to communicate Geography effectively in the face of COVID-19. Student photo contest- The tops 3 photographs addressing any Environmental problem  would be awarded prizes during the GeoNight]

The link to the photo contest: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WH7ollVqUOHuxaRc5GDIcSMQqrh720Qq/view?usp=sharing

Click or copy the link into your browser to vote for the best three photos by sending your entries to fatayoopeyemi@gmail.com

