Doing Geography Today – Fare Geografia Oggi
Fare geografia oggi: l’elemento comune, ovvero l’elemento che caratterizza le nostre presentazioni per la „notte della geografia“, può essere il “modo di fare”, quindi semplicemente il modo di “fare geografia”. Ciascuno presenta il proprio lavoro geografico (non strettamente di ricerca) , quindi lavoro sul campo o modellizzazione astratta, ricostruzione del paesaggio o pianificazione del territorio, interviste e/o osservazione partecipata, report di viaggio o scenaristica, descrizioni, esperienza diretta o interpretazione del discorso, studio in archivi o lavoro cartografico, e quant’altro.
Doing geography today. This “Geography Night” is characterized by the common ground of “doing geography”, that connects a variety of stakeholders. All contributors are invited to present their methods of doing geography, not being restricted to academic research. You can show your competences in and results of fieldwork, economic modelling, landscaping and planning, interviewing, participating and observing, travelling and describing, discourse interpreting and cartography.
April 9th,
(starting at h.20.00 Central European Time, approximately 30 minutes per capite)
Updated 07.4.2021
Igor Jelen, Univ. Trieste, „A possible introduction: Geography is beautiful, diversity of the real world is beautiful – about a pluralistic approach“
Anna-Maria Plautz, Leopold Franzens University Innsbruck, “Symbolic Ethnicity, Cultural and Linguistic landscape: Remnants of ‘Little Europe’ in Valcanale (North-Eastern Italy)”
Benedetta Castiglioni, Univ. Padova, Doing citizenship education “through” landscape: the web platform “ / Educazione alla cittadinanza ed educazione al paseaggio: la piattaforma web “”
Julian V. Minghi, Univ. South Carolina, „About BREXIT: a “structural” effect of a Structural Vision of Geopolitics – 50 year anniversary of the first edition of the <Structure of the Political Geography> “
Rok Ciglič, ZRC SAZU – Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, Ljubljana, “A landscape in a digital space – geographical studies with GIS”
Marino Firmani, Project manager di Bella Italia Efa Village, “Il turismo in montagna: nuovi scenari – Development in remote alpine area”
Stefan Kordel, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen Nürnberg, „Participatory migration studies: doing reaearch with migrants“
Angelija Buciene, Univ. Klaipeda, “The attempts to make the Physical Geography and Ecology closer”
Luca Muscarà, Univ. del Molise, Campobasso, “Geographic genealogies: making geography through (its) history (and making history through geography)”
Alessandro Carile, CeMiSS Past Dean for international relations, Roma, „Geography for Travelers Travel to Uzbekistan – the representation of Central Asia for the global audience“
Eduardas Spirjajevas, Klaipeda University, „Representing the Geopolitics of Central-Eastern European spaces: territories, borders, and institutions in a fluid world“
Marino Firmani, Project manager di Bella Italia Efa Village, “La rappresentazione di una transizione industriale – il caso del Friuli Venezia Giulia: dai distretti industriali all’internazionalizzazione / Representing the Industrial Geography of Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, North-eastern Italy: form the local production districts to the challenges of the internationalization”
Igor Jelen, Univ. Trieste, „Writing books today… still a significant operation?” About our last book <The geography of Central Asia>“
Conclusions: Guglielmo Cevolin, Univ. Udine e Limes club, “La Geopolitica come fine o come mezzo / Geopolitics as an end or as a mean”
Objectives: Immaginare quali siano i nuovi obiettivi della geografia, i trend e le evoluzioni in corso / share new geographical results, objectives and trends in an international setting
Event language: Italiano / English
Country: Italia / international
City: Trieste
The event will be: In modalità mista: online e in presenza) / mixed mode: presence and online
Link (for online events):,%22Oid%22:%2219394788-119c-4512-a120-4f0eddc3d0c1%22%7D
Reference person: Igor Jelen,
Role or Function: professore di geografia / professor of geography
Reference Organization: University of Trieste, Italia
Those who organize are: accademici, appassionati della geografia, studenti, professionisti, manager / academics, passionate geographers, students, professionals, manger
Expected duration: fino a notte inoltrata / long into the night
Event program: see above