Update: Unfortunately, Covid-19 related restrictions don’t make such a run possible, since Tuscany will be in the red zone on April 9th. We have imagined an alternative solution to share our spatial explorations through outdoor activities.
->Check the results of our shared explorations at: https://padlet.com/ilariadimantova1/geonight
There’s no need to be in Florence to participate. Join from wherever you are and have fun!
- Go out for a run – or any other kind of outdoor activity like walking, cycling, skating, rollerblading, … – on April 9th between 4 pm and 21 pm. Remember: individual training and outdoor activities are allowed also in the red zone, but please take in serious consideration covid-related regulations for social distancing.
- If you want, take a GPS track of your activity (you can use your smartwatch or your smartphone. Several apps allow you to save and share your GPS tracks: Strava, A-GPS tracker, Mytracks are just some examples).
- Take a picture or make a short video with your smartphone (or even more than one, if you wish). You can capture whatever you like (landscapes, views, selfies, objects, signs,…).
The idea is to share what the outdoor activity you’re doing means for you, how it changes your perception of the surrounding environment, and if it leads to new discoveries, practices, perspectives, creative ways of using spaces or objects designed for other scopes and whatever comes to your mind. - When you come back home:
- Share with us your picture(s)/video(s) by uploading it on the padlet we created for the event: https://padlet.com/ilariadimantova1/geonight
Add three keywords and/or a few lines to describe the material you’re sharing. Don’t forget to write your name! - If you have taken it, send us the GPS track of your activity by mail (to ilaria.dimantova@stud.unifi.it).
- Share with us your picture(s)/video(s) by uploading it on the padlet we created for the event: https://padlet.com/ilariadimantova1/geonight