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GeoPiknik na Żylecie

Country: Poland – City: Sosnowiec – Address: Poland, Sosnowiec, Będzińska, 60 GeoPiknik na Żylecie Description: “GeoPiknik na Żylecie” is a popular science event promoting…

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Geography Revision Days for Graduates, Institute of Geography and Spatial Management, Jagiellonian University, April 3–5 and April 10–12, 2025 – Lectures and Workshops

Country: Poland – City: Krakow – Address: Poland, Krakow, Gronostajowa 7 Geography Revision Days for Graduates, Institute of Geography and Spatial Management, Jagiellonian University,…

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Szakale, tarantule, afrykańskie kleszcze. Klimat zmienia geografię zwierząt / Jackals, tarantulas, African ticks: Climate is changing the geography of animals

Country: Poland – City: Poznań – Address: on-line Szakale, tarantule, afrykańskie kleszcze. Klimat zmienia geografię zwierząt / Jackals, tarantulas, African ticks: Climate is changing…