Glimpses into the Modena disused railways. The Modena Rubiera railway track – SGUARDI SULLE FERROVIE DISMESSE MODENESI. IL TRACCIATO MODENA RUBIERA


The EUROPEAN NIGHT OF GEOGRAPHY is an opportunity to present to the city of Modena the project “Glimpses into the Modena disused railways. The Modena Rubiera railway track” in the presence of schools, authorities and all the actors involved. The dismissed track of the Modena-Rubiera railroad section represents in fact a portion of the urban cityscape, the result of a spatiotemporal stratification of traces, signs and memories. Careful observation of this landscape is the first step in understanding its complexity, which voices and glances help to decipher.

Glimpses into the Modena disused railways. The Modena Rubiera railway track is a project conceived and coordinated by the Sistema dei Musei e Orto Botanico MUSEOMORE.

The dismissed track of the Modena-Rubiera railroad section represents a portion of the urban cityscape, the result of a spatiotemporal stratification of traces, signs and memories. Careful observation of this landscape is the first step in understanding its complexity, which voices and glances help to decipher.
The hundred students from four different Modena high schools involved in the project learned how to observe in order to understand its complexity through educational and laboratory activities and exploratory walks by:
Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia: Sistema dei Musei e Orto Botanico MUSEOMORE, Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali, Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita
Multicentro Educativo Sergio Neri MEMO Comune di Modena
Archivio Storico del Comune di Modena
Archivio della Provincia di Modena
Fondazione Archivio Leonardi

