Territori e compartecipazione: amministrazione condivise ed esperienze comunitarie

Country: Italy – Italia – City: Roma – Address: Al momento non sono in grado di identificarlo e indicarlo

Territori e compartecipazione: amministrazione condivise ed esperienze comunitarie

Territories and partnership: shared administration and community experiences


Condivisioni di esperienze territoriali di amministrazione condivisa, con approfondimenti, in particolare nelle aree fragili, periferiche, interne.


The European Action Plan for the social economy (2021-2030) is structured on three macro-interventions – respectively corresponding to sector micro-interventions – which are expressed through more than 35 “desiderata of actions”, in the form of invitations from the Commission to the EU States (Polidori 2022a): 1) Create an adequate legal framework for the social economy to prosper/grow; 2) Create development opportunities for the organizational realities of the SE; 2) Improve the recognition and potential of the social economy. It follows the Council Recommendation of 27.11.2023 “On the development of the framework conditions of the social economy”. In both documents referred to, reference is made to partnerships and the participation of social economy organizations (in various forms, areas, services), but there are no references to the processes and mechanisms in which they are structured, such as through national and territorial public policies shared and co-participated with the social economy organizations themselves. In this framework – in our opinion – the Commission Recommendation of 12.12.2023 on the promotion of the involvement and effective participation of citizens and civil society organizations in public policy development processes also fits. In Italy – as highlighted by a large multidisciplinary literature – the sharing process took place through the two tools of “co-” (co-planning and co-planning), which has as its starting point L. 328/2000, until it was structured in an organic and proactive manner in the articles. 55-56 of the Third Sector Code (CTS) and in the MLPS Guidelines (Ministerial Decree 72/2021). Tools that deserve attention from the European institutions, as policies with (re-)generative and transformative potential for all EU states. Currently, administrations – at national and territorial level – are committed (at significantly disparate levels) to making these tools operational. To make these tools operational it is necessary to activate cultural cognitive processes of what happens in the territories. This is in order to network, in a circle, circular moments of proactive sharing to generate increasingly equal public policies between Third Sector bodies and the public administration, in particular in fragile, peripheral and internal areas.

Main objectives:

Knowing and relating territorial experiences of shared administration to generate proactive shared and shared policy processes

Event language: Italiano

The event will be: da verificare la modalità. Al momento non sono in grado di indicarla.

Link (for online events): it will be displayed here as soon as possible

Reference person: Sabina Polidori – Role or function: Ricercatrice – Reference organization: Inapp e/o altro ente

Those who organize are: enti del Terzo settore, amministratori pubblici, accademici, srudenti, cittadini

Estimated starting time (local time):

Expected duration: da definirsi

Event program: it will be displayed here as soon as possible


GeoNight code: