Veliki problem s malom mikroplastikom

Country: Croatia – Hrvatska – City: Zadar – Address: Ul. Dr. Franje Tuđmana

Veliki problem s malom mikroplastikom


Students will demonstrate the process of filtering water from a washing machine. After that, they will microscope and analyze different textile fibers that are listed in the GLOBE protocol for determining microplastics, because chemicals and plastic coatings are added to textile processing, so they can become carriers of microplastics. Analyzing different textile fibers in washing machine water is the best way to practice microplastics determination protocols because fibers are the most common item found by microplastics researchers around the world.


Main objectives:

In this workshop, students and visitors will learn how to identify microplastics. To raise awareness of the problem of the existence of microplastics in our environment, its direct impact on health. We want to encourage our students, their parents and the general public to reduce the excessive use of plastic in everyday life.

Event language: The big problem with tiny microplastics

The event will be: “Live” in presence

Link (for online events): it will be displayed here as soon as possible

Reference person: Marijana Škunca-Vrkić – Role or function: nastavnik – Reference organization: Odjel za geografiju, Sveučilište u Zadru

Those who organize are: Academics

Estimated starting time (local time): 12:00:00 AM

Expected duration: around 2 hours

Event program: it will be displayed here as soon as possible


GeoNight code: