Stone Wonders at the Kanin Karst Plateau

Country: Slovenia – Slovenija – City: Bovec – Address: Bovec, Stergulčeva hiša, Trg golobarskih žrtev presentation hall

Stone Wonders at the Kanin Karst Plateau


The content of the lecture, entitled “Nature’s Stone Wonders at the Kanin Karst Plateau”, will be based on old and recent photographic, film, video and drone footage. The aim is to introduce the remote Plateau of Kanin and its extremely characteristic high-mountain glacial-karst terrain, comparable with any similar area in the Alps and elsewhere, to public, which is because of its remotnees unfamiliar with the phenomena there. The specific aim is to show the development from older photographic and film presentation techniques and newer drone techniques, as the latter allow to see the most remote and hidden corners of the surface. Drone filming techniques open up and offer the viewer scenes that were previously inaccessible. The authors are representatives of the older and younger generations of karst and cave explorers of the Kanin Mountains


Main objectives:

-To inform the local and wider public about the scientific importance of the high mountain karst phenomena of Kanin Mts. and of its vulnerability, -to inform about the corrosion processes, which were changing the limestone rock surface in the period from the end of the last glaciation until now, -to show the older and newer photo- and video technics, used in the field and their importance in presentation the wide specter of karst phenomena, -with examples from the field to present many ways and advantages of drone video footage of small and large karst objects, as well as near and remote ones.

Event language: Slovenian

The event will be: “Live” in presence

Link (for online events): it will be displayed here as soon as possible

Reference person: dr. Jurij Kunaver – Role or function: university professor, retired, The Honorary President of the Union of Slovene Geographers – Reference organization: Society for cultural entertainment Golobar, the history section (Kulturno društvo Golobar, zgodovinska sekcija) Bovec

Those who organize are: Academics, and three spelologists

Estimated starting time (local time): 8:00:00 PM

Expected duration: around 1 hour

Event program: it will be displayed here as soon as possible


GeoNight code: