Country: Slovenia – Slovenija – City: Ljubljana – Address:
Announcement of the best photos of the 6th photo competition “We in the Landscape” Razglasitev najboljših fotografij 6. foto natečaja »Mi v pokrajini«
The announcement of the best photos of the “We in the Landscape” competition with the awarding of book prizes is the final act of the photography competition for primary and secondary school students, which takes place from November to March. The competition is being held for the sixth year in a row, and its purpose is to encourage young people to present their view of the landscape through a photographic lens and its interpretation. The event is taking place via live video conference and is intended for both participants and the wider interested public. More about the competition:
Main objectives:
Popularization of the geographical view of the landscape among young people.
Event language: slovenian
The event will be: Online
Link (for online events): it will be displayed here as soon as possible
Reference person: Kristina Šturm – Role or function: photo contest leader – Reference organization: Slovenian Geography Teachers’ Association (DUGS – Društvo učiteljev geografije Slovenije)
Those who organize are: Academics
Estimated starting time (local time): 7:00:00 PM
Expected duration: around 30 minutes
Event program: it will be displayed here as soon as possible
GeoNight code: