Smart City and Energy Sustainability

Country: Croatia – Hrvatska – City: Zagreb – Address: Croatia, Zagreb, Vjekoslava Klaića 7

Smart City and Energy Sustainability


The application of advanced technology has completely changed citizens, cities and communities, creating an intelligent and smart society. First, it is necessary to point out the importance of applying innovative solutions adapted to the needs of cities and citizens. By using innovative approaches, cities are able to improve their economic picture and make urban life more convenient and a better place to live. In today’s world, thanks to the 4th industrial revolution, more tools are being digitized and becoming “smart”. The use of modern technologies is becoming more and more widespread, and the optimal organization and use of space is becoming more and more complex. That is why technological solutions are increasingly being used to solve city problems, and cities are increasingly being labelled as “smart”. Cities are the biggest consumers of energy – the city’s energy systems are interdependent. In order to satisfy the concept of sustainability and energy saving, today the emphasis is placed on smart city management. Smart cities function similarly to smart homes, only they include much more complex systems with the aim of optimizing their management. Students will be divided into groups and will create posters with the help of several materials. With the help of the attached materials of the energy balance of the City of Zagreb, the students will determine the structure of the form of energy in the total consumption of the City of Zagreb and indicate which form of energy occupies the largest part. It will list examples of green solutions for the City of Zagreb, determine the type of transport network that is best for the spatial development of the city, list the main obstacles in the smart transition in Croatia, as well as a proposal for improvement measures that would advance the launch of smart solutions. In the discussion, the students will state how the city can be managed smartly, and what makes the city and community smart?


Main objectives:

To be able to describe the elements of the city system and identify the elements of a sustainable, inclusive and smart city using the example of a city in the local environment.

Event language: Croatian

The event will be: “Live” in presence

Link (for online events): it will be displayed here as soon as possible

Reference person: Ružica Lončar and Ana Albin – Role or function: Geography teachers – Reference organization: First School of Technical Sciences Tesla

Those who organize are: Academics

Estimated starting time (local time): 2:00:00 PM

Expected duration: around 2 hours

Event program: it will be displayed here as soon as possible


GeoNight code: