Observing the night sky / Opazovanje nočnega neba

Country: Slovenia – Slovenija – City: Maribor – Address: Slovenia, Maribor, Tolstojeva 3 / Slovenija, Maribor, Tolstojeva 3 (Osnovna šola Draga Kobala Maribor)

Observing the night sky / Opazovanje nočnega neba


The participants will learn the basics about the night sky. Initially they will check their general geographic knowledge by answering the questions in Kahoot! quiz. The event will consist of two parts. The first part will be in the classroom where the basic characteristics of the stars and orienteering in the night sky will be presented. In addition, the participants will learn how to use a star chart and thus be familiar with the most renown constellations. The participants will also be able to do some time calculations using the star chart.
The second part of the event will be held outside, in front of the school, where classroom knowledge will be implemented. The participants will try to find some stars and constellations in the night sky, and thus be able to do some orientation, like finding the star Polaris for example. The participants will also observe the chosen celestial objects through the telescope.

Tema dogodka je opazovanje nočnega neba. Navzoči bodo v uvodu za motivacijo preverili svoje geografsko znanje na podlagi vprašanj v kvizu Kahoot!. Temu sledi prvi del dogodka, ki bo organiziran v učilnici v šoli. Tukaj bodo udeleženci dogodka spoznali osnovne značilnosti zvezd, kot so na primer nastanek, starost, oddaljenost in temperatura. Prav tako bo demonstrirana osnovna orientacija na nebu. Udeleženci se bodo tudi naučili osnovne uporabe zvezdne karte, s pomočjo katere se lahko orientiramo na nebu in računamo na primer dolžino dneva na določen datum ter kdaj bo določeno ozvezdje na nebu.
Drug del dogodka bo izveden zunaj pred šolo. Znanje iz učilnice bomo skušali uporabiti v praksi. Prepoznavali bomo osnovna ozvezdja na nebu, poiskali zvezdo Severnico in se tako orientirali, na koncu pa še opazovali izbrana nebesna telesa s pomočjo teleskopa.


Main objectives:

Orientation in the night sky, observing the night sky, main characteristics of the stars, star chart, the future of the Sun and its effect on planet Earth / Orientacija na nočnem nebu, opazovanje nočnega neba, osnovne značilnosti zvezd, orientacija s pomočjo zvezdne karte, prihodnost Sonca in posledice življenja na Zemlji

Event language: Slovene / Slovenščina

The event will be: “Live” in presence

Link (for online events): it will be displayed here as soon as possible

Reference person: Boris Hranjec – Role or function: primary school teacher / učitelj v osnovni šoli – Reference organization:

Those who organize are: Geography enthusiasts, Primary school teacher / Učitelj v osnovni šoli

Estimated starting time (local time): 6:00:00 PM

Expected duration: around 2 hours

Event program: it will be displayed here as soon as possible


GeoNight code: