Country: Spain – España – City: Alicante – Address: Universidad de Alicante. Ctra. San Vicente del Raspeig-Alicante s/n 03690 San Vicente del Raspeig (Alicante)
Online exhibition “Global socio-environmental crisis and changes in lifestyles
The current global socio-environmental crisis is a reality that must be addressed with a multi-scale and multidisciplinary approach, and from different social spheres, one of the most important of which is education.
In a global society such as today’s, with common challenges in the face of environmental degradation, climate emergency and its consequences, education fosters knowledge about the natural and anthropic dynamics operating on the planet. It can act as a basis on which to promote a systemic transformation that challenges our current lifestyles and how we consume natural resources. In the university education phase, students must have a common, measurable and comparable knowledge of these issues to integrate it into their daily lives and professional future.
This online exhibition focuses on showing which contents are necessary to learn for every university student to understand the reality of the planetary crisis and promote changes in society.
Main objectives:
– Identify the main socio-environmental problems caused by human activity from the Industrial Revolution to the present day.
– Analyze planetary limits and their relationship with climate and socio-environmental crises.
To understand the demographic, urban, energy and mineral reality to understand the necessary transitions towards lower consumption and decarbonized production models.
– To understand the concept of “one health” to analyze the integration between human, animal and environmental health.
– Characterize lifestyles in consumer societies and their role in global environmental degradation.
– Detect key areas of action in consumption to reduce the ecological and carbon footprint at the individual and community level, and promoting transformations in lifestyles.
Event language: The exhibition is prepared in Spanish but with translation into 10/12 languages.
The event will be: Online
Link (for online events): it will be displayed here as soon as possible
Reference person: Ana Espinosa Seguí – Role or function: University professor – Reference organization: University of Alicante
Those who organize are: Academics
Estimated starting time (local time):
Expected duration: around 1 hour
Event program: it will be displayed here as soon as possible
GeoNight code: