
Country: Italy – Italia – City: Siena – Address: Via Mattioli 10, 53100 Siena




Il format proposto è quello del pub-quiz. I partecipanti, organizzati in squadre, dovranno indovinare diversi luoghi, avendo a disposizione come indizi, alternativamente: estratti da film/video dei quali dovranno dedurre la location; carte (satellitari) “mute”, panoramiche a 360° o foto estratte da google maps/street view di cui dovranno dedurre la posizione (es. quartiere, città, paese); quiz di varia natura la cui risposta consiste nell’indicazione di un luogo.


The proposed format is that of a pub-quiz. Participants, organized in teams, will have to guess different places, having as clues, alternately: excerpts from movies/videos of which they will have to deduce the location; “silent” (satellite) maps, 360° panoramas or photos extracted from google maps/street view of which they will have to deduce the location (e.g., neighborhood, city, country); quizzes of various kinds whose answer consists in indicating a place.

Main objectives:

Spread geographic knowledge while having fun!

Event language: Italiano/Inglese

The event will be: In presenza

Link (for online events): it will be displayed here as soon as possible

Reference person: Venere S. Sanna – Role or function: Ricercatrice (RTDb) – Reference organization: Università degli Studi di Siena

Those who organize are: Accademici, Studenti

Estimated starting time (local time): 9:30:00 PM

Expected duration: circa 2 ore

Event program: it will be displayed here as soon as possible


GeoNight code: