Country: Spain – España – City: Albacete. However, the virtual activity is around the world. – Address:
Cartografía interactiva para enseñar geografía lúdicamente: GeoCazas APPangea ¿buscamos un tesoro ?
The experience is a virtual treasure hunt using interactive cartography in Spanish.
From the location of museums and emblematic monuments around the world, the participant will obtain a series of clues found by applying their knowledge and geographical thinking. The actvity starts at the Albacete’s Museum. Then, participants should look for different points, following the clues, in the map (around the world) to continue the activity.
This experience is designed to be carried out in Secondary Education, being done in an experimental way in a class of this educational level. In particular, the activity will be done at IES Bachiller Sabuco with secondary students from Albacete (Spain). However, the search is open on the Internet to anyone interested. Will you manage to find the treasure?
Main objectives:
Apply geographic knowledge on a map to identify the clues and find the treasure.
Event language: Español
The event will be: La actividad se hará en el IES Bachiller Sabuco con sus estudiantes (presencialmente), aunque la URL de la actividad estará disponible para todo aquel que quiera hacerla (de forma virtual)
Link (for online events): it will be displayed here as soon as possible
Reference person: Sergio Tirado & José Eduardo Córcoles – Role or function: Assistant Professor (Sergio) and Secondary teacher (José Eduardo) – Reference organization: University of Castilla-La Mancha and IES Bachiller Sabuco (Spain)
Those who organize are: Academics
Estimated starting time (local time):
Expected duration: around 30 minutes
Event program: it will be displayed here as soon as possible
GeoNight code: