Potential of Renewable Energies in Andalusia (South of Spain)

Country: Spain – España – City: SEVILLE – Address: pilard@us.es

Potential of Renewable Energies in Andalusia (South of Spain)


The results of the Renewable Energy Potential Map Project in Andalusia will be presented for discussion, addressing the content and criteria to be considered in determining optimal areas. Emphasis will be placed on the role of the geographer as an expert in land-use planning and multiscale planning for the development of these infrastructures.


Main objectives:

Event language: ESPAÑOL

The event will be: Online

Link (for online events): it will be displayed here as soon as possible

Reference person: Pilar Díaz Cuevas – Role or function: University Professor – Reference organization: University of Seville

Those who organize are: Geography enthusiasts, Students

Estimated starting time (local time): 7:00:00 PM

Expected duration: around 1 hour

Event program: it will be displayed here as soon as possible


GeoNight code: