Arte, città e natura. Geografie e paesaggi urbani attraverso pratiche di street art

Country: Italy – Italia – City: Rome – Address: Italy, Rome, Via del podere Trieste 20,

Arte, città e natura. Geografie e paesaggi urbani attraverso pratiche di street art


Urban art goes far beyond the simple decorative role, in fact it represents an important cultural and social expression, capable of revealing and communicating the dynamics and sometimes the contradictions of the cities in which we live, which often also present unusual forms of interaction with non-human elements.
In this context, the project aims to connect, in a single event, actions of dissemination of geographical knowledge, through a round table on the themes of the project, with the creation of a work of street art; the Mural will be created by the artist Chosen Rusty, born and raised in the Quartaccio neighborhood (North-West area of ​​Rome), the venue of the event. The mural will be created inside the H.C. Andersen- I.C. Pio La Torre primary school, thanks to the collaboration with the Aps Zip Zone d’Intersezione Positiva.
Urban art, in this case, will allow the neighborhood to be represented through different landscapes, urban and non-urban; the theme of the mural, and of the evening, will also be connected to the wildlife that populates the neighborhood, proposing reflections between anthropic and non-anthropic uses of space. The creation of the mural thus becomes a sort of emotional and social journey, capable of transforming the city and the representation of its landscapes. Through the power of images, murals could open a path to collective reflection, transforming the city into an active player in redefining the landscape of the neighborhood (Turri, 1998).
The goal is to develop greater sensitivity towards the landscape and its multiple forms of interpretation, including less conventional perspectives on urban nature: non-anthropic elements could arouse children’s curiosity and lead them to create in their imagination a different process of construction of the landscape of the Quartaccio neighborhood. This could therefore become a moment to try to overcome the “imaginary” boundaries that are created between urban and rural and between the related stereotypes.


Main objectives:

Event language: Italiano

The event will be: “Live” in presence

Link (for online events): it will be displayed here as soon as possible

Reference person: Maria Domenica Intini – Role or function: Ph.d Student – Reference organization: Niccolò Cusano University

Those who organize are: Academics, Artists

Estimated starting time (local time): 5:00:00 PM

Expected duration: Around 3 hours

Event program: it will be displayed here as soon as possible


GeoNight code: