Country: Croatia – Hrvatska – City: Split – Address: Teslina 10
MatGeo izazov: Mjerenje promjena
MatGeo Challenge: Measuring Change is an interactive adventure that connects mathematics and geography through numbers, patterns, and spatial relationships. Participants solve logic puzzles, analyze data, and decode hidden messages to uncover how the world is changing. From temperature shifts and sea levels to population trends, each challenge reveals the mathematical story behind global transformations. Can you connect the numbers and unravel the web of change around us? (MatGeo izazov: Mjerenje Promjena interaktivna je avantura koja povezuje matematiku i geografiju kroz brojeve, obrasce i prostorne odnose. Sudionici rješavaju logičke zagonetke, analiziraju podatke i dešifriraju skrivene poruke kako bi otkrili kako se svijet mijenja. Od temperature i razine mora do populacijskih trendova, svaki izazov otkriva matematičku priču o globalnim promjenama. Možete li povezati brojeve i razotkriti mrežu promjena oko nas? )
Main objectives:
Participants will use mathematical skills to analyze geographic data on climate change and draw conclusions about sustainable solutions.
Event language: hrvatski
The event will be: “Live” in presence
Link (for online events): it will be displayed here as soon as possible
Reference person: Damira Čupić – Role or function: teacher – Reference organization: I. gimnazija Split
Those who organize are: Geography enthusiasts, Students, interested public
Estimated starting time (local time): 12:00:00 PM
Expected duration: the whole working day
Event program: it will be displayed here as soon as possible
GeoNight code: