Kramtyk geografiją (Chew geography)

Country: Lietuva – Lithuania – City: Kruonis – Address: Lithuania, Kruonis, Darsūniškio str. 11

Kramtyk geografiją (Chew geography)


The event will start with a tourist hike, Kruonis – Migonys mound), tasks will be performed during the hike using the QR Code Treasure Hunt Generator.
We will celebrate the geography night at the school, where teams of students, parents, and teachers will compete with each other, performing interesting geographical tasks:
explore the area using the Actionbound app,
will participate in a photo contest,
will perform musical geography tasks,
will play the game “Taste the Geography”,
will take part in the “Chew Geography” quiz,
will write and read letters to the Earth.
Activities will continue until the morning. In the morning we will meet the sun and photograph the sunrise


Main objectives:

Experience the benefits, powers and joy of learning about the world through a debate, quiz, exhibition, walk, talk, song and dance

Event language: Lithuanian

The event will be: “Live” in presence

Link (for online events): it will be displayed here as soon as possible

Reference person: Daiva Kruliauskienė – Role or function: Geography teacher – Reference organization: Kruonis school

Those who organize are: Geography enthusiasts, Students

Estimated starting time (local time): 4:00:00 PM

Expected duration: Until early morning

Event program: it will be displayed here as soon as possible


GeoNight code: