Water at twilight: a journey through hydraulic infrastructures in Lleida

Proposer: Quim Bonastra  – Role or Function: University Professor

April 5th, 2024

Water at twilight: a journey through hydraulic infrastructures in Lleida


The activity aims at reflecting on how water transforms our territories. Based on a guided tour to visit to some key hydraulic infrastructures in the area and an exhibition of contemporary art, it reflects on how the concepts of water, territory, and infrastructure are interconnected. Through a theoretical and artistic journey, participants are invited to understand the historical and current implications associated with water management in the territory.



– Highlight the role of geography in understanding territorial changes
– Comprehend the role of water in the creation of historical and contemporary landscapes
– Connect water resources and territorial management with sustainable development goals
– Raise awareness among participants about the importance of water management.

Event Language: Catalan

The event will be: “Live” in presence

Country: Spain
City:  Lleida
Address: Victor Siurana Sq. Nº 1 25003 LLEIDA

Reference Organization (if any): University of Lleida

Estimated starting time: 20.00.00

the whole evening

Those who organize the event are: Academics

School event? Yes, it is organized with a school, or for a school (or several schools)

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