Proposer: Danijel Davidovič, Nina Simonič – Role or Function: predsednik, podpredsednica Geografskega društva Maribor
April 5th, 2024
Po poteh srednjeveškega Maribora – Raziskovalni sprehod z dijaki v sklopu Noči geografije
Along the trails of medieval Maribor – Exploratory walk with students as part of Night of Geography
V sklopu dogodka Po poteh srednjeveškega Maribora – Raziskovalni sprehod z dijaki v sklopu Noči geografije bodo udeleženci raziskovali središče Maribora v 5 raziskovalnih skupinah: 1. Kakovost bivalnega okolja, 2. Namembnost prostora, 3. Razvoj mesta, 4. Degradirana območja, 5. Urbane zelene površine. Udeleženci bodo lahko spoznali preproste metode pridobivanja podatkov ter jih interpretirali in ugotovili nekatere dejavnike kakovostnega bivanja v mestih. Pri tem bodo uporabili projekt, izdelan z Google Earth aplikacijo:
As part of the event Along the Trails of Medieval Maribor – A Research Walk with Students as part of the Geography Night, participants will explore the centre of Maribor in 5 research groups: 1. Quality of the Living Environment, 2. Land Use, 3. Urban Development, 4. Degraded Areas, 5. Urban Green Spaces. Participants will have the opportunity to learn simple methods of data acquisition and interpretation and to identify some of the determinants of quality urban living. They will do this using a project created with the Google Earth application:
Event Language: Slovenščina
The event will be: “Live” in presence
Country: Slovenija
City: Maribor
Address: Glavni trg, Maribor
Reference Organization (if any): Geografsko društvo Maribor
Estimated starting time: 15:00:00
3 hours
Those who organize the event are: Geography enthusiasts
School event? No
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