Geografija okoli nas

Proposer: Maja Hadner  – Role or Function: asistentka

April 5th, 2024

Geografija okoli nas

Geography around us


Na dogodku, organiziranem s sodelovanjem študentov, bomo predstavili Oddelek za geografijo FF UM. Izpostavili bomo vseprisotnost, uporabnost in koristi geografije v različnih sferah življenja (izobraževanje, delo, prosti čas). Dogodek bo organiziran kot diskusija, razprava, v katero bomo z veseljem povabili tudi udeležence, da izrazijo svoje mnenje, poglede in izkušnje. Svoje vtise o študiju, terenskih vajah in ekskurzijah ter praksi bodo predstavili tudi študenti.

In this event, organised with the participation of students, we will present the Department of Geography of the Faculty of Arts, UM FF. We will highlight the ubiquity, usefulness and benefits of geography in different spheres of life (education, work, leisure). The event will be organised as a discussion, a debate, in which we will be happy to invite participants to express their opinions, views and experiences. Students will also present their impressions of their studies, field exercises, excursions and internships.



Event Language: Slovenščina

The event will be: “Live” in presence

Country: Slovenija
City:  Maribor
Address: Koroška cesta 160, 2000 Maribor

Reference Organization (if any): Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Mariboru

Estimated starting time: 18:00:00

1 hour

Those who organize the event are: Academics, students

School event? Yes

Comments or Notes:

