Sustainable Development in Saudi Arabia

Proposer: ALI ALDOSARI  – Role or Function: President of Saudi Geographical Society

April 12th, 2024

Sustainable Development in Saudi Arabia


The event will discuss the geographic aspects in Saudi vision 2030 Agenda which includes no poverty, zero hunger, good health, good life, quality education and gender equality, affordable and clean energy, reducing inequalities, and sustainable cities and communities.



1- the rules of geography in sustainable development. 2- regionals planning.

Event Language: Arabic & English

The event will be: Online

Country: Saudi Arabia
City:  Riyadh
Address: P.O. Box 2456 Riyadh 11451

Reference Organization (if any): King Saud University, Geography department

Estimated starting time: 18.00.00

around 1 hour

Those who organize the event are: Academics, Students

School event? Yes, it is organized with a school, or for a school (or several schools)

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