Pažink Ignaliną ir jos geografus – Get to Know Ignalina and Its Geographers

Proposer: Ignalina District Tourism Information Center

Date of the event: April 12th, 2024

Pažink Ignaliną ir jos geografus – Get to Know Ignalina and Its Geographers


Ignalina District Tourism Information Center will organize the event for open society whitch will consist of an excursion with a guide in Ignalina city, a game related with geography of our district for children and adults, a video presentation about the well known geographer Česlovas Kudaba who was born exactly 90 years ago in Ignalina district. The event will be advertised on the websites of the Ignalina District Municipality and the Ignalina District Tourism Information Center, the social networks. There, the public can also find photo and video material related to the event.


To represent Ignalina district from gegographical point of view, to highlight the merits of the geographer Česlovas Kudaba to the science of geography in Lithuania

Briefly about Ignalina district (Lithuania)

Ignalina is like a small and cosy island surrounded by woods and waters. It takes pride in nine lakes. This resort town creates the right mindset for peace and recreation and is perfectly located for starting and developing sanatorium care along with the tourist, entertainment and health promotion businesses. More:

Event Language: Lithuania

The event will be: “Live” in presence

Country: Lithuania
City:  Ignalina
Address: Lithuania, Ignalina, Ateities g. 23

Reference Organization: Ignalina District Tourism Information Center

Duration: around 2 hours

Those who organize the event are: Geography enthusiasts

It is organized with a school