Quiz „Geo night“ in Veisiejai regional park

Proposer: Directorate of Dzūkija-Suvalkija protected area (group of  Veisiejai regional park)  – Role or Function: Visitor center

April 12th, 2024

Quiz „Geo night“ in Veisiejai regional park


Quiz is a game with interesting questions about Veisiejai regional park – one of the most beautiful Lithuanian protected area. It will be 10 questions with answers and photos about this protected area (unique landscape, protected flora and fauna, tourist tracks and trails and more). 





Event Language: lithuanian

The event will be: Online

Country: Lithuania
City:  Veisiejai
Address: Santarvės str. 9, Veisiejai

Reference Organization (if any): Directorate of Dzūkija-Suvalkija protected area (group of  Veisiejai regional park)

Estimated starting time: 11.00.00

around 5 minutes

Those who organize the event are: regional park specialist

School event? No

Comments or Notes: Quiz will be held in Facebook page – account name –  „Veisiejų regioninis parkas“ –  https://www.facebook.com/veisiejuregioninisparkas