Night of Geography 2024 in the Móra

Proposer: Fórián Szilveszter  – Role or Function: geography teacher

April 12th, 2024

Night of Geography 2024 in the Móra

Földrajz éjszakája plakát_2024


A geographical adventure open to all ages, in which they learn about different areas of geography at stations, with the help of various tasks. Participants can get to know all aspects of geography with the help of geographical quiz and Night Tour.


registration form (regisztráció):




Event Language: magyar/hungarian

The event will be: “Live” in presence

Country: Hungary
City:  Kiskunfélegyháza
Address: Hungary, Kiskunfélegyháza, Kossuth u. 9.

Reference Organization (if any): Kiskunfélegyházi Móra Ferenc Gimnázium

Estimated starting time: 17:30 (pm)

until late at night

Those who organize the event are: Academics, Students

School event? Yes, it is organized with a school, or for a school (or several schools)

Comments or Notes:

