Virtual Field Trips

Proposer: Maria Pigaki  – Role or Function: President of Hellenic Geographical Society

April 5th, 2024

Virtual Field Trips


Digital life has become part of our real life. Whether we want it or not, whether we realize it or not, we generate data all the time, we exist on digital platforms all the time, our digital data and profiles are processed all the time by algorithms and artificial intelligences, and this has impact on our world and on how we are able to experience it.
This has impact on the ways in which we can perceive on both natural and human environments.
How do we perceive our world, and how does technology influence our perceptions? Furthermore, how do we realize ‘global change’ or ‘sustainability’ in order to schedule geo-actions? Different topics will be covered during experiential field trips involving participants



Geosiences in Higher Education

Event Language: Greek

The event will be: “Live” in presence

Country: Greece
City:  Athens

Reference Organization (if any):

Estimated starting time: 18.30.00

the whole evening

Those who organize the event are: Academics, Students

School event? No

Comments or Notes: The date of the event may change to April 22nd