Sustainable city

  1. Proposer: Tihana Modrić  – Role or Function: Teacher

April 12th, 2024

Sustainable city


6th grade students will present 3D model of a sustainable city with especial emphasis on turning our roofs and balconies into green oasis.




Realizing the importance of vegetation in cities and sustainability. Students will present their ppt about temperature islands, urban landscape planning and vertical gardens.

Event Language: English

The event will be: “Live” in presence

Country: Croatia (Hrvatska)
City:  Split
Address: Split, Ulica hrvatskih iseljenika 10

Reference Organization (if any): Primary school Bol

Estimated starting time: 11.30.00

around 2 hours

Those who organize the event are: Geography enthusiasts, Students

School event? Yes, it is organized with a school, or for a school (or several schools)

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