Proposer: Davor Relja – Role or Function: teacher
April 12th, 2024
Geo pub kviz
Geo pub kviz će sadržavati različite tipove pitanja koja će biti vezana za fizičku geografiju (reljef, klima, tlo, vode) u svijetu. Učenici će biti grupirani u nekoliko timova po 5 učenika.
(Geo pub quiz will contain different types of questions that will be related to physical geography (relief, climate, soil, water) in the world. Students will be grouped into several teams of 5 students each.)
Event Language: hrvatski (Croatian)
The event will be: “Live” in presence
Country: Croatia (Hrvatska)
City: Županja
Address: Veliki kraj 42
Reference Organization (if any): Tehnička škola Županja
Estimated starting time: 18.00.00
around 1 hour
Those who organize the event are: Students
School event? Yes, it is organized with a school, or for a school (or several schools)
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