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Critical mapping workshop: Eastern sector of the park “Cuña Verde de O`Donnell. Madrid, Spain.

Country: España, Spain – City: Madrid – Address: Spain, Madrid, Estación de metro: Alsacia. Avenida de Guadalajara 1. Description: A critical workshop will be…

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Oviedo city geoescape room

Country: España, Spain – City: Oviedo – Address: Spain, Asturias, Oviedo Observatorio del Territorio / Departamento de Geografía / Universidad de Oviedo Description: Geographical…

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Geografia dels canvis d’ocupació i usos del sòl a Mallorca 2015-2021

Country: España, Spain – City: Pollença (Mallorca) – Address: Plaça Major, 10, 07460 Pollença, Illes Balears. Description: Engaging to Geography through the…

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“Virtual Bridge Vilnius – Seoul”

Country: The countries Lithuania and South Korea – City: Zoom platform – Address: Lithuania, Vilnius Virtual Bridge Lithuania – South Korea Description: The aim…

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La geografía en la vida cotidiana (Geography in daily life)

Lugar del evento: Sala Mario Ojeda, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte; Carretera escénica Tijuana-Ensenada, Km 18.5, Tijuana, Baja California,…

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Wieczór z geografi? przed matur? (Evening with geography before the matura exam)

Country: Polska (Poland) – City: Sosnowiec – Address: Polska, Sosnowiec, B?dzi?ska, 60 Description: PL: Seria wyk?adów powtórkowych obejmuj?cych wybrane tre?ci z zakresu rozszerzonego podstawy…

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Using phones to collect urban geographical information

Country: Romania – City: Bucharest – Address: Bd. N. Balcescu, Nr. 1, Sector 1 Description: Participants will attend live demonstrations on how to use…

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Bucuresti, incantat de cunostinta! (Bucharest, nice to meet you)

Country: Romania – City: Bucharest – Address: Faculty of Geographers, University of Bucharest, Nicolae B?lcescu 1 Boulevard, Bucharest 010041 Description: Volunteers from the Geography…

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Kisújszállás az irodalomban és a földrajzban

Country: Magyarország (Hungary) – City: Kisújszállás – Address: Coordinates: N 47° 13? 01?, E 20° 46? 01? Description: Filmvetítéssel egybekötött el?adás Kisújszállásról, annak megjelenésér?l…

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Lokális és globális geográfia

Country: Magyarország (Hungary) – City: Nyíregyháza – Address: Magyarország, Nyíregyháza, Sóstói út 31/B. Description: Vallásturizmus a Szentföldön, Tájékozódási játékok a terepen, A társadalom horizontális…

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Párizs megér egy misét (hibrid vetítettképes előadás)

Country: Magyarország (Hungary) – City: Nyíregyháza – Address: Sóstói út 31/b. Nyíregyháza 4400 Hungary Description: Dr. Tömöri Mihály, a Nyíregyházi Egyetem Turizmus és Földrajztudományi…

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„Vilniaus pilys – metras iki mamutu“ (Vilnius Castles – a meter to the mammoths)

Country: Lietuva (Lithuania) – City: Vilnius – Address: Arsenalo st. 5, Vilnius, Lithuania Description: We kindly invite you to discover and explore the heart…

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Homokbuckák Budapesten – A csepeli Tamariska-domb és környéke bemutatása

Country: Magyarország (Hungary) – City: Budapest – Address: Gesztenyés u. 13. Budapest 1213 Hungary – coordinates: N 47.4137587, E 19.0845287 Description: A csepeli Tamariska-domb…

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Debreceni gazdaságfejlesztés földrajzos szemmel

Country: Magyarország (Hungary) – City: Debrecen – Address: Egyetem tér 1. (Matematikai és Földtudományi Épület 1. emelet M105-ös tanterem) Debrecen 4032 Hungary Description: Az…

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Kvíz Gödöllő földrajzáról és helytörténeről

Country: Magyarország (Hungary) – City: Gödöllő – Address: Petőfi S. u. 12–14. Gödöllő 2100 Hungary Description: Online kvíz Gödöllő földrajzáról és helytörténetéről…

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STOP, Vilnius 700!

Country: Lietuva (Lithuania) – City: Vilnius – Address: I.J.Kraševskio g. 5 Description: Balandžio 14d. vyks Vilniaus Šolomo Aleichemo ORT gimnazijos ir Vilniaus P. Vileišio…

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STOP, Vilnius 700!

Country: Lietuva (Lithuania) – City: Vilnius – Address: Filaretų g. 3 Description: Balandžio 14d. vyks Vilniaus Šolomo Aleichemo ORT gimnazijos ir Vilniaus…

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We share Beauty (Condividiamo bellezza)

Country: Italia – City: Taormina (ME) – Address: BADIA VECCHIA Via Circonvallazione Taormina (ME) Description: L’associazione UNITRE di Taormina prevede la realizzazione di un…

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Mapping and countermapping Turin

Country: Italia – City: Turin – Address: Italy, Turin, Lungo Dora Siena, 100 Mapping and countermapping Turin Description: The event will compare different experiences…

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Gizai–along the paths of legends

Country: Lietuva (Lithuania) – City: Gizai village – Address: Lithuania, Gižai village, Birut?s street 1a Description: Gižai is a village in Vilkaviškis Region located…

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Consumo del suolo e cartografia partecipativa: applicazioni nella Piana Campana

Paese: Italia – città: Santa Maria Capua Vetere (CE) – Indirizzo: Italia, Santa Maria Capua Vetere (CE), via Raffaele Perla, 21 Descrizione: L’evento “Consumo…

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UniCarTo 2023: mappare la città di Torino con il punto di vista degli studenti universitari

Country: Italia – City: Turin – Address: Italy, Turin, Lungo Dora Siena, 100 UniCarTo 2023: mapping Turin by and for university students Description: A…

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SpazioTempo. Geografie di Verona tra realtà (virtuale?) e placetelling.

Country: Italia – City: Verona (Italia) – Address: Italia, Verona, Via San Francesco, n. 22 SpaceTime. Verona’s Geographies between (virtual?) reality and placetelling. Description:…

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Country: Italia – City: Milano – Address: Academy FrancoAngeli – Viale dell’Innovazione, 11, 20126 (Piazza della Trivulziana – zona ribassata) GEO-FILM-MARATHON Description: Geographers find…

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Come suona la borgata. Sonorità e immaginari di un confine

Country: Italia – City: Roma – Address: Polo ex Fienile – L.go Ferruccio Mengaroni 29, Roma How the borgata sounds: RESONANCES and imaginaries…

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Country: Italia – City: Roma – Address:  VISUAL GEOGRAPHY, STREET ART, URBAN LANDSCAPE REGENERATION Description: The event will include, at first, some speeches…

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Ambiente e paesaggio

Country: Italia – City: Salerno – Address: Chiesa di Santa Maria de Lama, Gradoni Madonna della Lama, 29 – 84121 Salerno (SA) Description: In…

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Di-vagazioni nel paesaggio umbro e sabino

Country: Italia – City: Foligno – Address: Frazione Cancelli (Cancelli di Foligno) Digressions in the Umbrian and Sabine landscape Description: Starting from the volume…

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Geonight 2023 all’IIS “Verona Trento-Majorana” (ME)

Country: Italia – City: Messina – Address: Via Ugo Bassi, 73, 98123 Messina (ME) Geonight 2023 at IIS “Verona Trento-Majorana” (ME) ARIA-ACQUA-TERRA-FUOCO Description: Activities…

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“ARIA-ACQUA-TERRA-FUOCO” AIIG sez. Messina Country: Italia – City: Messina Address: Italia -Messina- presso  (Aula Magna”Smiroldo”) IIS”Verona Trento” Via Ugo Bassi, 73   “AIR-WATER-…

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Country: Italia – City: Modena – Address: Italia, Modena, Piazza Giovani di Tien An Men 5 THE CITTADELLA: THE BASTION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE IN…

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Natura e Cultura: luoghi, paesaggi e storie

Country: Italia – City: Napoli – Address: Orto Botanico: via Foria, 223 – Complesso SS. Marcellino e Festo: Largo San Marcellino, 10 Description: The…

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Mappare la città: geografia partecipativa dello studentscape nella “Novara universitaria”

Country: Italia – City: Novara – Address: Italia, Novara, via Ferrucci, 2 Mapping the city: participatory geography of the Novara studentscape Description: The event…

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“La natura è vita!” Geonight 2023 Istituto Comprensivo “Pace del Mela”(Me)

Country: Italia – City: Pace del Mela (ME) – Address: Italia-Pace del Mela (ME) Istituto Comprensivo “Pace del Mela” Via G. di Vittorio, 33…

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Ganges – life and death on the banks of the holy river

Country: Hungary – City: Pécs – Address: Hungary, Pécs, Széchenyi square 7-8. Description: India’s sacred river has had an outstanding impact on its environment…

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Oltre il confine. Connessioni e immaginari tra Bergamo e Brescia

Country: Italia – City: Bergamo and Brescia – Address: via San Faustino 74B, Brescia Beyond the Border. Networks and Imaginaries between Bergamo…

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TERRA INCOGNITA III Ed. (Juego-Concurso)

Country: España, Spain – City: on line (MADRID) – Address: España, Madrid, Albasanz 26-28 Description: Game-contest to discover hidden places through clues of geographical…

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Santiago de Compostela: Un paseo xeográfico polo Barrio de San Pedro / Un paseo geográfico por el Barrio de San Pedro

País: España, Spain – Cidade: Santiago de Compostela – Enderezo: PORTA DO CAMIÑO – SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA (21:00) Descrición: O Barrio de San…

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Country: España, Spain – City: Zaragoza – Address: Pedro Cerbuna s/n Description: You take photos of your city throughout the day and upload…

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Walking tour along some urban water suply facilities in Madrid inner area.

Country: España, Spain – City: MADRID – Address: Calle General Ibáñez Ibero, 3 / 28003 Madrid Description: The event will be devoted to the…

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Geonight 2023: El skyline de Zaragoza como nunca lo habías visto. ¡¡¡Ven a descubrirlo con nosotros!!!

País: España, Spain – Ciudad: Zaragoza – Dirección: C/Pedro Cerbuna, 12 Descripción: A través de esta actividad, incluida en el programa de la Semana…

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Saisir les nuits d’Aubervilliers par la géographie

Country: France – City: Aubervilliers – Address: France, Aubervilliers, Campus Condorcet, Bâtiment recherche Sud, cours des Humanités n.5, 93300 Description: Cet événement se propose…

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Changeons de cap !

Country: France – City: Caen – Address: 10 rue Pasteur, 14000 Caen – Time: 17h Pour la nuit de la géographie, le Campus…

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L’urbanisme durable

Country: France – City: LA ROCHELLE – Address: Université de La Rochelle – Site Lettres, Langues, Arts et Sciences Humaines 1 parvis Fernand Braudel…

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La nuit au prisme de la sexualité et de la musique : lieux et pratiques des soirées LGBTQ+ / Night through the lens of sexuality and music: places and praxis of LGBTQ+ parties

Country: France – City: Paris – Address: Galerie Nocte, 7 rue d’Aix (75010, Paris) Description: [FR] La rencontre-conférence a pour projet de révéler…

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Geo Escape Room

Country: Croatia (Hrvatska) – City: Vinkovci, Vukovar – Address: Geo Escape Room Description: At 18:00, the link to the Geo Escape Room will…

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Upoznaj moj grad – Zadar (Zadar – city tour)

Country: Croatia (Hrvatska) – City: Zadar – Address: Hrvatska, Zadar Description: Students of Elementary school Smiljevac – Zadar will visit the old town of…

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Meet the author

Country: Bulgaria – City: Sofia – Address: Acad. Georgi Bonchev str., bl. 3 Description: On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Journal…