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La importancia de las nuevas tecnologías en la Geografía: procedimientos para la gestión del territorio

Country: España, Spain – City: Santiago de Compostela – Address: Aula 6. Facultade de Xeografía e Historia (USC) Description: La idea de esta…

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GeoNight Togo 2023

Country: Togo – City: Lomé – Address: Lomé, Togo Description: Mapathon and Cartoparty Main objectives: Event language: French The event will be: Mixed (Online…

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Mobilos kincskeresés Szombathelyen a Csónakázó-tó környékén

Country: Magyarország (Hungary) – City: Szombathely – Address: Kenedersi u. Szombathely (Csónakázó-tó parkoló) 9700 Hungary – coordinates: N 47.233953, E 16.602627 Description: A földrajzi…

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MapoFaktura 2023

Time and venue of the event / Czas i miejsce wydarzenia Piątek, 14 kwietnia 2023, godz. 16.00 / Friday, April…

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Geografia rzutów, czyli o analizach przestrzennych w koszykówce

Country: Polska (Poland) – City: Wrocław – Address: Dolnośląskie, Wrocław, Pl. Uniwersytecki 1 The geography of shots, or spatial analysis in basketball Description…

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Using phones to collect urban geographical information

Country: Romania – City: Bucharest – Address: Bd. N. Balcescu, Nr. 1, Sector 1 Description: Participants will attend live demonstrations on how to use…

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Geography night for students of Šiauliai

Country: Lietuva (Lithuania) – City: Šiauliai – Address: Dainu street 7 Description: To have geograhical activities and fun Main objectives: To get acquainted with…

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Lithuanian Look 2023 / Žvilgsnis ? Lietuv? 2023

Country: Lietuva (Lithuania) – City: Vilnius – Address: Lithuania, Vilnius, M. K. ?iurlionio g. 21/27 Description: The participatory interactive mapping of the most representative…

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The Panel discussion on Lithuanian landscape

Country: Lietuva (Lithuania) – City: Vilnius – Address: Lithuania, Vilnius, Gedimino pr. 51 Description: The Pannel discussion aim to comment the results of Geo-Action…

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Geografia, capitale, programmi spaziali: dal controllo militare all’Earth Observation (ITA+ENG)

Description: ITA All’inizio degli anni settanta del XX secolo è iniziata l’esplorazione spaziale. Un periodo che ha caratterizzato la storia…

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New territorial sustainable paths: participatory mapping, empowerment and cooperation (ENG+ITA)

Description: ENG The current climate crisis is manifesting itself with tangible effects in different areas of the planet. In this…

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Elisir di Geografia – Geography Elixir

Country: Italia – City: Rome – Address: Italy, Rome, Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 Description: Nel processo di educazione alla salute, un ruolo di primo…

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Mapping and countermapping Turin

Country: Italia – City: Turin – Address: Italy, Turin, Lungo Dora Siena, 100 Mapping and countermapping Turin Description: The event will compare different experiences…

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GNSS Drawing – illustrations on map

Country: Japan – City: multiple locations – Address: Description: We will hold a briefing session on individual fieldwork using a location-based application called…

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Geografijos paieškos mieste

Country: Lietuva (Lithuania) – City: Kaisiadorys – Address: Lithuania, Kaisiadorys, Paukstininku 5 Description: Pupils of the progymnasium will discover city of Kaisiadorys by searching…

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UniCarTo 2023: mappare la città di Torino con il punto di vista degli studenti universitari

Country: Italia – City: Turin – Address: Italy, Turin, Lungo Dora Siena, 100 UniCarTo 2023: mapping Turin by and for university students Description: A…

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Natura e Cultura: luoghi, paesaggi e storie di itinerari

Country: Italia – City: Viterbo – Address: Italia, Viterbo, Via Santa Maria in Gradi n 4 Nature and Culture: places, landscapes and stories of…

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Speleomedit-le grotte di tubazione sul mar morto Nazione:    Italia –  Città:    giovinazzo – Indirizzo:  Italia, Giovinazzo, via tenente frascolla 42 Israele-deserto del Negev Speleomedit:…

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Valle di Vituro: geografie di bellezze

Country: Italia – City: San Marco in Lamis – Address: SAN MARCO IN LAMIS – Valle di Vituro: Arco di San Michele 41.681965, 15.644836…

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“ARIA-ACQUA-TERRA-FUOCO” AIIG sez. Messina Country: Italia – City: Messina Address: Italia -Messina- presso  (Aula Magna”Smiroldo”) IIS”Verona Trento” Via Ugo Bassi, 73   “AIR-WATER-…

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Nazione:  Italia –  Città:  Napoli – Indirizzo:  Italia Napoli Via Santa Maria in Portico, Istituto Statale “Bernini De Sanctis” GEOSPOt…

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“La natura è vita!” Geonight 2023 Istituto Comprensivo “Pace del Mela”(Me)

Country: Italia – City: Pace del Mela (ME) – Address: Italia-Pace del Mela (ME) Istituto Comprensivo “Pace del Mela” Via G. di Vittorio, 33…

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The night in GIS

Country: France – City: Strasbourg – Address: 3, rue de l’Argonne, 67000 Description: 2:30:00 – 5:00:00 PM // Mapathon (Cart’ONG/Missing Maps) [By registration only]…

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Oltre il confine. Connessioni e immaginari tra Bergamo e Brescia

Country: Italia – City: Bergamo and Brescia – Address: via San Faustino 74B, Brescia Beyond the Border. Networks and Imaginaries between Bergamo…

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TERRA INCOGNITA III Ed. (Juego-Concurso)

Country: España, Spain – City: on line (MADRID) – Address: España, Madrid, Albasanz 26-28 Description: Game-contest to discover hidden places through clues of geographical…

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Pokusi u geografiji

Country: Croatia (Hrvatska) – City: Zadar – Address: Hrvatska, Zadar, Bribirski prilaz 2 Experiments in geography Description: During workshop pupils make different experiments, wich…

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Beautiful Landscapes

Country: Australia – City: Adelaide – Address: Royal Geographical Society of South Australia – Mortlock Chamber (State Library of South Australia) – North Terrace…

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Geografija modernog doba

Country: Bosna i Hercegovina – City: Ilijas – Address: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ilijas, Srednje Geography of the Modern Age Description: This event…

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Meet the author

Country: Bulgaria – City: Sofia – Address: Acad. Georgi Bonchev str., bl. 3 Description: On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Journal…

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Students as tourist guides

Country: Croatia (Hrvatska) – City: Split – Address: Split, Hrvatskih iseljenika, 10 Description: Students will research local attractions and create short video where they…

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Treasure hunt

Country: Croatia (Hrvatska) – City: Split – Address:  Description: Students will be divided into groups and they will get a sheet of paper…