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Esperienze di Geografia applicata al patrimonio enogastronomico in Ucraina. Crisi bellica e prospettive.

Country: Italia – City: Venezia – Address: Italia, Venezia, Dorsoduro 2196 Experiences of applied geography towards food and wine heritage in Ukraine. War crisis…

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La importancia de las nuevas tecnologías en la Geografía: procedimientos para la gestión del territorio

Country: España, Spain – City: Santiago de Compostela – Address: Aula 6. Facultade de Xeografía e Historia (USC) Description: La idea de esta…

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A digitális planetárium csodái

Country: Magyarország (Hungary) – City: Szombathely – Address: Károlyi G. tér 4C. Fsz. 010-es terem Szombathely 9700 Hungary – coordinates: N 47.22896562389778, E 16.611678565014498…

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Wieczór z geografi? przed matur? (Evening with geography before the matura exam)

Country: Polska (Poland) – City: Sosnowiec – Address: Polska, Sosnowiec, B?dzi?ska, 60 Description: PL: Seria wyk?adów powtórkowych obejmuj?cych wybrane tre?ci z zakresu rozszerzonego podstawy…

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Po co zakłada się ogrody zoologiczne? Przykład Miejskiego Ogrodu Zoologicznego im. A. i J. Żabińskich w Warszawie. / Why are zoological gardens set up? An example of Warsaw Zoological Garden.

Kraj:  Polska (Polska) –  Miasto:  Warszawa – Adres:  Polska, Warszawa, Krakowskie Przedmieście 30 00-927 Opis: Podczas wydarzenia pragniemy zaprezentować spotkanie…

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Geografia rzutów, czyli o analizach przestrzennych w koszykówce

Country: Polska (Poland) – City: Wrocław – Address: Dolnośląskie, Wrocław, Pl. Uniwersytecki 1 The geography of shots, or spatial analysis in basketball Description…

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Using phones to collect urban geographical information

Country: Romania – City: Bucharest – Address: Bd. N. Balcescu, Nr. 1, Sector 1 Description: Participants will attend live demonstrations on how to use…

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Földrajz az el?szobánkban, avagy a hétköznapok földrajza

Country: Magyarország (Hungary) – City: Seregélyes – Address: F? u. 201. Seregélyes 8111 Hungary Description: El?adások, vetítések kísérletek, interaktív foglalkozások, kóstolók, játékok, énekek, táncok,…

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Térképi Misztériumok Éjszakája / Evening of Maps and Magic

Country: Magyarország (Hungary) – City: Szeged – Address: Egyetem utca 2. Description: A Földrajzi és Földtudományi Intézet szervezésében a látogatók a különleges térképeket rejt?…

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Térképi Misztériumok Éjszakája

Country: Magyarország (Hungary) – City: Szeged – Address: Egyetem utca 2. Evening of Maps and Magic Description: A program keretén belül az érdeklődők megismerkedhetnek…

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Online földrajzi kvízjáték / Online Geograhical Quiz

Country: Magyarország (Hungary) – City: Budapest – Address: Közraktár u. 4-6. Budapest 1093 Hungary Description: Földrajz témakörében 14 kérdéses online kvízjáték / A quiz…

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A h?szivattyús környezeti h?hasznosítás földrajza c. el?adás, beszélgetés

Country: Magyarország (Hungary) – City: Debrecen – Address: Egyetem tér 1. (Matematikai és Földtudományi Épület 1. emelet M105-ös tanterem) Debrecen 4032 Hungary Description: El?adás…

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Határokról határok nélkül…

Country: Magyarország (Hungary) – City: Debrecen – Address: Egyetem tér 1. (Matematikai és Földtudományi Épület 1. emelet M105-ös tanterem) Debrecen 4032 Hungary Description: Eszedbe…

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Debreceni gazdaságfejlesztés földrajzos szemmel

Country: Magyarország (Hungary) – City: Debrecen – Address: Egyetem tér 1. (Matematikai és Földtudományi Épület 1. emelet M105-ös tanterem) Debrecen 4032 Hungary Description: Az…

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Lithuanian Look 2023 / Žvilgsnis ? Lietuv? 2023

Country: Lietuva (Lithuania) – City: Vilnius – Address: Lithuania, Vilnius, M. K. ?iurlionio g. 21/27 Description: The participatory interactive mapping of the most representative…

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The Panel discussion on Lithuanian landscape

Country: Lietuva (Lithuania) – City: Vilnius – Address: Lithuania, Vilnius, Gedimino pr. 51 Description: The Pannel discussion aim to comment the results of Geo-Action…

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New territorial sustainable paths: participatory mapping, empowerment and cooperation (ENG+ITA)

Description: ENG The current climate crisis is manifesting itself with tangible effects in different areas of the planet. In this…

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Elisir di Geografia – Geography Elixir

Country: Italia – City: Rome – Address: Italy, Rome, Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 Description: Nel processo di educazione alla salute, un ruolo di primo…

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We share Beauty (Condividiamo bellezza)

Country: Italia – City: Taormina (ME) – Address: BADIA VECCHIA Via Circonvallazione Taormina (ME) Description: L’associazione UNITRE di Taormina prevede la realizzazione di un…

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Mapping and countermapping Turin

Country: Italia – City: Turin – Address: Italy, Turin, Lungo Dora Siena, 100 Mapping and countermapping Turin Description: The event will compare different experiences…

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Consumo del suolo e cartografia partecipativa: applicazioni nella Piana Campana

Paese: Italia – città: Santa Maria Capua Vetere (CE) – Indirizzo: Italia, Santa Maria Capua Vetere (CE), via Raffaele Perla, 21 Descrizione: L’evento “Consumo…

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Piccoli geografi alla scoperta del territorio:”Missione Eco-Sostenibilità”

Country: Italia – City: Tremestieri Etneo (CT) – Address: C.D.S. Teresa di Calcutta di Tremestieri Etneo, Via Guglielmino 49 Little geographers at the discovery…

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UniCarTo 2023: mappare la città di Torino con il punto di vista degli studenti universitari

Country: Italia – City: Turin – Address: Italy, Turin, Lungo Dora Siena, 100 UniCarTo 2023: mapping Turin by and for university students Description: A…

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Country: Italia – City: VERONA – Address: ITALIA, VERONA, VIA CHIODA 76 3D CARTOGRAPHY .. THE FUTURE IS HERE Description: how to think about…

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Come suona la borgata. Sonorità e immaginari di un confine

Country: Italia – City: Roma – Address: Polo ex Fienile – L.go Ferruccio Mengaroni 29, Roma How the borgata sounds: RESONANCES and imaginaries…

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La metamorfosi dei luoghi, anche quelli percettivi

Country: Italia – City: Catania – Address: Istituto SAVOIA, Via Napoli, 117 Description: The event involves the students of the Savoy Institute of Catania….

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Geonight 2023 all’IIS “Verona Trento-Majorana” (ME)

Country: Italia – City: Messina – Address: Via Ugo Bassi, 73, 98123 Messina (ME) Geonight 2023 at IIS “Verona Trento-Majorana” (ME) ARIA-ACQUA-TERRA-FUOCO Description: Activities…

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Valori, sostantivo plurale: i valori ambientali e l’importanza della geografia umana per la loro rilevazione

Country: Italia – City: Milano – Address: via Vaiano Valle – via dell’Assunta Values, plural noun: environmental values and the importance of human geography…

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Country: Italia – City: Modena – Address: Italia, Modena, Piazza Giovani di Tien An Men 5 THE CITTADELLA: THE BASTION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE IN…

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Mappare la sostenibilità

Country: Italy – City: Bologna – Address: Via Caduti per la Libertà, 6/L, 40057, Quarto Inferiore, Granarolo dell’’Emilia (BO) Mapping the…

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Country: España, Spain – City: Zaragoza – Address: Pedro Cerbuna s/n Description: You take photos of your city throughout the day and upload…

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Geo Games Night

Country: Croatia (Hrvatska) – City: Zadar – Address: Croatia, Zadar, Ul. Ruđera Boškovića 5 Geo GameS Night Description: EGEA Zadar will organise a…

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Beautiful Landscapes

Country: Australia – City: Adelaide – Address: Royal Geographical Society of South Australia – Mortlock Chamber (State Library of South Australia) – North Terrace…

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Geografija modernog doba

Country: Bosna i Hercegovina – City: Ilijas – Address: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ilijas, Srednje Geography of the Modern Age Description: This event…

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Meet the author

Country: Bulgaria – City: Sofia – Address: Acad. Georgi Bonchev str., bl. 3 Description: On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Journal…

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(Geography evening) Ve?er geografije na ?uri Esteru

Country: Croatia (Hrvatska) – City: Koprivnica – Address: Koprivnica, Trg slobode 5 Description: “Evening of Geography” is a set of workshops that encourage the…

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No? geografije u OŠ Podolice

Country: Croatia (Hrvatska) – City: Koprivnica – Address: Croatia, Koprivnica, Ulica Pavla Kanižaja 2 Description: “Night of Geography” is a set of workshops that…

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Play and learn

Country: Croatia (Hrvatska) – City: PETRINJA – Address: Description: Set of games with various topics in geography. Escape room, online mapping, Saving the…