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Propose an event for the 2024 GeoNight Edition

⇓⇓⇓Scroll⇓⇓⇓ this page for the ⇓⇓⇓webform⇓⇓⇓ to propose an event. Please note that the entry of the proposal may contain…

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Dynamic Observatory of Romagna Landscape Country: Italia – City: Ravenna – Address: Italia, Ravenna, Piazza Andrea Costa, 3 Descrizione: Verrà presentato al…

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Dinâmicas de ensino e educação

Country: Portugal – City: Lisboa – Address: Education and teaching dynamics. Description: Geographical quizz for students and entusiasts, testing their…

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O futuro e os desafios da Geografia

Country: Portugal – City: Évora – Address: The future and the challenges of Geography. Description: Round-table to discuss the future…

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Projeto GIRO, área protegida do Cabo Girão

Country: Portugal – City: Funchal – Address: GIRO Project, Cabo Girão protected area. Description: Presentation of the Cabo Girão Protected…

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Quizz Geográfico

Country: Portugal – City: Porto – Address: Geographical Quizz. Description: Geographical quizz for students and entusiasts, testing their skills and…

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GeoNight 2021 website   GeoNight 2022 website

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Esperienze di Geografia applicata al patrimonio enogastronomico in Ucraina. Crisi bellica e prospettive.

Country: Italia – City: Venezia – Address: Italia, Venezia, Dorsoduro 2196 Experiences of applied geography towards food and wine heritage in Ukraine. War crisis…

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Foto natečaj “Mi v pokrajini”

Country: Slovenija – City: Ljubljana – Address: Ljubljana Photo contest “We in the Landscape” Description: Društvo učiteljev geografije Slovenije (DUGS)…

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Plan your sightseeing tour with the viewer Naturaleza, Cultura y Ocio //Planifica tu visita turística con el visualizador de Naturaleza, Cultura y Ocio

Description: The Naturaleza, Cultura y Ocio viewer shows a lot of information related to nature, culture and leisure such as…

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For the little ones: Draw the world with GeoExplorer! / Para los más pequeños: ¡Dibuja el mundo con GeoExplorer!

  Description: GeoExplorer has come to discover the Earth through games to learn about Geography, Astronomy, maps… Draw, colour, cut…

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Oviedo city geoescape room

Country: España, Spain – City: Oviedo – Address: Spain, Asturias, Oviedo Observatorio del Territorio / Departamento de Geografía / Universidad de Oviedo Description: Geographical…

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La importancia de las nuevas tecnologías en la Geografía: procedimientos para la gestión del territorio

Country: España, Spain – City: Santiago de Compostela – Address: Aula 6. Facultade de Xeografía e Historia (USC) Description: La idea de esta…

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“Virtual Bridge Vilnius – Seoul”

Country: The countries Lithuania and South Korea – City: Zoom platform – Address: Lithuania, Vilnius Virtual Bridge Lithuania – South Korea Description: The aim…

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Geography for Society: wartime and beyond

Country: Ukraine – City: Kyiv – Address: Ukraine, Kyiv, Volodymyrska St. 44 Description: The conference is aimed at improving the interaction between the geographical…

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Protecting our environment

Country: United Kingdom – City: London – Address: London, Kensington Gore, 1 Description: From water and air quality, to nature conservation and climate change,…

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Razglasitev Bohinčeve nagrade Zveze geografov Slovenije za najboljšo raziskovalno nalogo s področja geografije, njena predstavitev, razglasitev rezultatov letošnjega tekmovanja osnovnošolcev in tekmovanja srednješolcev s področja geografije ter predstavitev nagrajenih raziskovalnih nalog srednješolcev in osnovnošolcev.

Country: Slovenija – City: Ljubljana – Address: The announcement of the Bohinc Award of the Association of Slovenian Geographers for the best research…

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LA NUIT DE LA GEOGRAPHIE – A wonderful geography night at the Odette de Puigaudeau school for students aged 5 to 17!

Country: Maroc – City: DAKHLA – SAHARA – Address: Ecole Odette du Puigaudeau – Quartier Kassam 2 – Dakhla GEONIGHT Update after the GeoNight:…

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La geografía en la vida cotidiana (Geography in daily life)

Lugar del evento: Sala Mario Ojeda, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte; Carretera escénica Tijuana-Ensenada, Km 18.5, Tijuana, Baja California,…

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The young researchers discover the geodiversity of Indonesia with GEOpractices

Country: Polska (Poland) City: Poznan Description: GEOpraktyki is an interdisciplinary scientific project bringing together students and doctoral students of the…

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Po co zakłada się ogrody zoologiczne? Przykład Miejskiego Ogrodu Zoologicznego im. A. i J. Żabińskich w Warszawie. / Why are zoological gardens set up? An example of Warsaw Zoological Garden.

Kraj:  Polska (Polska) –  Miasto:  Warszawa – Adres:  Polska, Warszawa, Krakowskie Przedmieście 30 00-927 Opis: Podczas wydarzenia pragniemy zaprezentować spotkanie…

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Geografia rzutów, czyli o analizach przestrzennych w koszykówce

Country: Polska (Poland) – City: Wrocław – Address: Dolnośląskie, Wrocław, Pl. Uniwersytecki 1 The geography of shots, or spatial analysis in basketball Description…

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Râurile: trecut, prezent si viitor [Rivers: past, present and futur]

Country: Romania – City: Bucharest – Address: Faculty of Geography, 1 Nicolae Balcescu, 010041 Description: The event consists in a movie release on…

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Water Education via small-scale projects in Romania

Country: Romania – City: Bucharest – Address: Dimitrie Racovita Street, no 12, Bucharest Description: Because water is a vital resource that we need to…

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Desztinációk csodái – turizmus és vidékfejlesztés hazánk és a Föld csodás tájain; Wonders of Destinations – tourism and rural development in the wonders of Hungary and the Earth

Country: Magyarország (Hungary) – City: Gyöngyös – Address: Mátrai út 36. Gyöngyös 3200 Hungary Description: A MATE hallgatói interaktív módon mutatnak be egy-egy turisztikai…

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Párizs megér egy misét (hibrid vetítettképes előadás)

Country: Magyarország (Hungary) – City: Nyíregyháza – Address: Sóstói út 31/b. Nyíregyháza 4400 Hungary Description: Dr. Tömöri Mihály, a Nyíregyházi Egyetem Turizmus és Földrajztudományi…

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Különleges helyek a világban – online fotókiállítás

Country: Magyarország (Hungary) – City: Szeged – Address: 6722 Szeged, Egyetem utca 2. Extraordinary places – an online photobook Description: At the online photo…

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Térképi Misztériumok Éjszakája

Country: Magyarország (Hungary) – City: Szeged – Address: Egyetem utca 2. Evening of Maps and Magic Description: A program keretén belül az érdeklődők megismerkedhetnek…

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Legfrissebb földrajzos művek Szombathelyről – könyv és térképbemutató

Country: Magyarország (Hungary) – City: Szombathely – Address: Károlyi G. tér 4C. II. emelet Szombathely 9700 N 47.2290001, E 16.612543 – coordinates: Hungary…

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Online földrajzi kvízjáték / Online Geograhical Quiz

Country: Magyarország (Hungary) – City: Budapest – Address: Közraktár u. 4-6. Budapest 1093 Hungary Description: Földrajz témakörében 14 kérdéses online kvízjáték / A quiz…

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A földrajz, ami összeköt – avagy különleges természeti látnivalók turizmuskutatók szemével

Country: Magyarország (Hungary) – City: Budapest – Address: Frangepán u. 50-56. Budapest 1139 Hungary Description: Fényképes élménybeszámolókkal tarkított beszélgetés a Kodolányi János Egyetem…

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Kvíz Gödöllő földrajzáról és helytörténeről

Country: Magyarország (Hungary) – City: Gödöllő – Address: Petőfi S. u. 12–14. Gödöllő 2100 Hungary Description: Online kvíz Gödöllő földrajzáról és helytörténetéről…

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Alternative tourism geography between Lithuania and Latvia in conditions of global uncertainties

Country: Lietuva (Lithuania) – City: Klaipeda – Address: S. Neries street. 5, Klaipeda, Lithuania Description: Alternative tourism geography between Lithuania and Latvia in conditions…

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STOP, Vilnius 700!

Country: Lietuva (Lithuania) – City: Vilnius – Address: Filaretų g. 3 Description: Balandžio 14d. vyks Vilniaus Šolomo Aleichemo ORT gimnazijos ir Vilniaus…

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Geografia, capitale, programmi spaziali: dal controllo militare all’Earth Observation (ITA+ENG)

Description: ITA All’inizio degli anni settanta del XX secolo è iniziata l’esplorazione spaziale. Un periodo che ha caratterizzato la storia…

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New territorial sustainable paths: participatory mapping, empowerment and cooperation (ENG+ITA)

Description: ENG The current climate crisis is manifesting itself with tangible effects in different areas of the planet. In this…

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Elisir di Geografia – Geography Elixir

Country: Italia – City: Rome – Address: Italy, Rome, Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 Description: Nel processo di educazione alla salute, un ruolo di primo…

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Taste the place

Country: Italia – City: Verbania – Address: Via Belgio, 1 Description: The GEONIGHT event 2023 “Taste the Place” is the closing event of the…

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GNSS Drawing – illustrations on map

Country: Japan – City: multiple locations – Address: Description: We will hold a briefing session on individual fieldwork using a location-based application called…

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Consumo del suolo e cartografia partecipativa: applicazioni nella Piana Campana

Paese: Italia – città: Santa Maria Capua Vetere (CE) – Indirizzo: Italia, Santa Maria Capua Vetere (CE), via Raffaele Perla, 21 Descrizione: L’evento “Consumo…

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Staffetta geografica

    Country: Italia – City: Trapani – Address: ITALY, ERICE (TP), VIA CESARO’ N.36 Describe your surroundings Description: Students of the school “Sciascia e…

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Città aperte: corpi spazi e movimenti outdoor

Country: Italia – City: Verona – Address: Open cities: bodyes, spaces and outdoor practices Description: Participatory dialogues to live and inhabit the open…

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Speleomedit-le grotte di tubazione sul mar morto Nazione:    Italia –  Città:    giovinazzo – Indirizzo:  Italia, Giovinazzo, via tenente frascolla 42 Israele-deserto del Negev Speleomedit:…

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I parchi storici: laboratori di etica ambientale e culturale

Country: Italia – City: Sant’Agata li Battiati (CT) – Address: Italia, Sant’Agata li Battiati, Via Roma 61 Historic parks: laboratories of environmental and cultural…

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Devianze climatiche nelle alte terre. Il racconto di Inverno liquido

Country: Italia – City: Padova – Address: Sala Africa, via del Santo, 26 – 35123 Padova c/o Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche, Geografiche e dell’Antichità,…

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Country: Italia – City: Padova – Address: Italia, Padova, Via Antonio Francesco Bonporti, 22 (Cinema Multisala PioX) Description: Since 2020/2021 the students of the…

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Ricette per un mondo di abitanti felici: ricordando Gabriele Zanetto (1948-2013)

Country: Italia – City: Padova – Address: Italia, Padova, Via del Santo, 26 Recipes for a world of happy inhabitants: remembering Gabriele Zanetto (1948-2013)…

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Incontri geografici nel metaverso

Country: Italia – City: Palermo – Address: Webinar Geographical meeting in the Metaverse Description: A webinar about the benefit to meet your geography teacher…

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Quale futuro per le Dolomiti? Un’analisi ecoclimatica

Stato:  Italia –  Città:  Pedavena – Indirizzo:  Via Dante Alighieri Quale futuro per le Dolomiti? Un’analisi ecoclimatica Descrizione: The meeting…

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Pratiche Outdoor e Murder Party: percorsi per altre geografie

Country: Italia – City: Roma – Address: Via Della Navicella, 12 Roma (Società Geografica Italiana) Outdoor practices and murder parties: Pathways to other…

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Valle di Vituro: geografie di bellezze

Country: Italia – City: San Marco in Lamis – Address: SAN MARCO IN LAMIS – Valle di Vituro: Arco di San Michele 41.681965, 15.644836…

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….. un click, reale o virtuale?

Country: Italia – City: Catania – Address: Description: The event involves secondary school students. They will have to take a “shot” in a…

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Ganges – life and death on the banks of the holy river

Country: Hungary – City: Pécs – Address: Hungary, Pécs, Széchenyi square 7-8. Description: India’s sacred river has had an outstanding impact on its environment…

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Water Management and Sustainable Development in Khudana And Akoda village

Country: India – City: Mahendergarh – Address: Haryana, Mahendergarh, Khudana Description: Sure Main objectives: Event language: Hindi The event will be: Online Link (for…

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“We Are One?: Eurovision Song Contest – United by Music?” (Maynooth University, Republic of Ireland)

Country: Ireland – City: Maynooth – Address: Geography Department, Maynooth University Description: For the third year in a row, the annual Eurovision Conference…

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Costruire Conoscenze e Competenze per lo sviluppo regionale sostenibile

Country: Italia – City: Bari – Address: Via Raffaele Bovio,13 building knowledge and skills for sustainable regional development Il futuro del Pianeta è nelle…

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Oltre il confine. Connessioni e immaginari tra Bergamo e Brescia

Country: Italia – City: Bergamo and Brescia – Address: via San Faustino 74B, Brescia Beyond the Border. Networks and Imaginaries between Bergamo…

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Mappare la sostenibilità

Country: Italy – City: Bologna – Address: Via Caduti per la Libertà, 6/L, 40057, Quarto Inferiore, Granarolo dell’’Emilia (BO) Mapping the…

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La rivitalizzazione dei piccoli borghi: turismo, sostenibilità e innovazione

Paese: Italia – Città: CASERTA – Indirizzo: Italia, Caserta, Viale Ellittico, 31 La rivitalizzazione dei piccoli borghi: turismo, sostenibilità e…

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The “Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga” National Park: climatic and socio-economic changes. New projects with a view to sustainability.

Country: Italia – City: Castel del Monte (AQ) – Address: Teatro “Francesco Giuliani” – Via del Municipio, 5 – Castel del Monte (AQ) Il…

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Tra mito e realtà: geografia dei luoghi di Ulisse

Country: Italia – City: Catania – Address: Via Napoli, 40 Link YouTube: clicca qui Description: Partendo dal mio, si intende fare conoscere agli studenti…

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Uno scatto emozionale (an emotional photo)

Country: Italia – City: Catania – Address: Link YouTube: clicca qui/click here Description: Students Will take a photo which has a particular meaning…

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GeoNight 2023 AIIG Sicilia Sud Orientale

Country: Italia – City: Catania – Address: Villa Fortuna, Aci Trezza, 95021 Description: Presentation event of all the other events proposed by…

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Půlnoc v Paříži 10x jinak

Country: Czechia – City: Prague – Address: Description: One of EGEA Prague members will present his adventures and experiences from his studies in…

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Geography, Sport and Climate Change

Country: England – City: Northampton – Address: Description: Taking a geographical approach this event will explore the impacts of climate change on sport…

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TERRA INCOGNITA III Ed. (Juego-Concurso)

Country: España, Spain – City: on line (MADRID) – Address: España, Madrid, Albasanz 26-28 Description: Game-contest to discover hidden places through clues of geographical…

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Mapa colaborativo: Llagares de sidra casera en Asturias

Country: España, Spain – City: Oviedo – Address: Description: El evento consiste en un encuentro abierto a cualquier persona que quiera compartir información…

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Country: España, Spain – City: Zaragoza – Address: Pedro Cerbuna s/n Description: You take photos of your city throughout the day and upload…

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Mapathon autour du monde

Country: France – City: Chambéry Description: Vous souhaitez vous engager pour une cause, rencontrer de nouvelles personnes et apprendre à cartographier?? Venez…

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Cours de géographie Pokémon

Pays: France Description: La série de jeu-vidéo bien connue, Pokémon, propose au joueur d’arpenter différentes régions, des mers de Hoenn aux…

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Geo Escape Room

Country: Croatia (Hrvatska) – City: Vinkovci, Vukovar – Address: Geo Escape Room Description: At 18:00, the link to the Geo Escape Room will…

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Naše mjesto u Svemiru

Country: Croatia (Hrvatska) – City: Vukovar – Address: Šamac 2 Description: Kroz interaktivne sadržaje prezentirat ?emo obilježja Svemira, naše galaksije unutar Svemira te Sun?eva…

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Naše mjesto u Svemiru

Country: Croatia (Hrvatska) – City: Vukovar – Address: FRUŠKOGORSKA 2 Description: Kroz interaktivne sadržaje prezentirat ?emo obilježja Svemira, naše galaksije unutar Svemira te Sun?eva…

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Što je gerrymandering?

Country: Croatia (Hrvatska) – City: Zagreb – Address: Croatia, Zagreb, Ilica 242 Description: According to the new 2021 census, Croatia has 3,871,833 inhabitants, which…

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Fun with flags

Country: Croatia (Hrvatska) – City: Zagreb – Address: Croatia, Zagreb, Podgradski odvojak 1 Description: Fun with flags included short presentation about flags by country…

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Energy Efficiency and Sustainability

Country: Croatia (Hrvatska) – City: Zagreb – Address: Klaićeva 7 Description: Extreme weather events increasingly affect all parts of the energy system. The…

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River Žrnovnica

Country: Croatia (Hrvatska) – City: Žrnovnica – Address: Hrvatskih Velikana 41 Description: Žrnovnica- od izvora do uš?a Main objectives: Event language: Croatian The event…

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Beautiful Landscapes

Country: Australia – City: Adelaide – Address: Royal Geographical Society of South Australia – Mortlock Chamber (State Library of South Australia) – North Terrace…

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Landscapes of Azerbaijan, Karabakh – the unique part of Azerbaijan.

Country: Azerbaijan – City: Baku – Address: Fortis Academy Description: Karabakh – an unique part of Azerbaijan. Karabakh region was under the occupation over…

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Un lieu préféré à proximité de mon école: cartographie collaborative

Country: Belgique – City: Bruxelles – Address: Description: Cette cartographie collaborative “d’un lieu préféré à proximité de mon école” vise, via l’application Survey…

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Meet the author

Country: Bulgaria – City: Sofia – Address: Acad. Georgi Bonchev str., bl. 3 Description: On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Journal…

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Our Restless Earth: Going To Extremes With George Kourounis

Country: Canada – City: Ottawa ON – Address: 50 Sussex Drive Ottawa ON Description: Our Restless Earth: Going To Extremes With George Kourounis Storm…

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Conversatorio: La guerra de Ucrania y sus impactos en América Latina

Country: Colombia – City: Bogotá – Address: Bogotá, Edificio 225 – Posgrados de Ciencias Humanas Ac. 26 #38A-35 Description: Conversatorio La guerra de Ucrania…

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Noc Geografije

Country: Croatia (Hrvatska) – City: Gospic – Address: Miroslava Kraljevica 15, 53000 Gospic Description: Primjer dobre prakse upotrebom pjescanika s dopunjenom stvarnosti….

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GeoNight Challange 2023

Country: Croatia (Hrvatska) – City: Osijek – Address: Croatia, Osijek, Kapelska 51a Description: is one of the most popular on-line tool for learning…

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Play and learn

Country: Croatia (Hrvatska) – City: PETRINJA – Address: Description: Set of games with various topics in geography. Escape room, online mapping, Saving the…

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GeoNight 2023 – Events map

This is a map of the 2023 GeoNight events. please zoom in on the area that interests you: at a…

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Propose an event for the 2023 GeoNight Edition

Scroll this page for the webform to propose an event. Click here to download the Guidelines for the 2023 GeoNight…

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GeoNight 2022 – Events map

Please note that sometimes two or more event pinpoints are overlapping (where we’ve had only the city, or the same…

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a greeting from the organizers

Unfortunately this screenshot photographed only part of the organizers, but a greeting and a thank you to all of them!…

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GeoNight 2021 Events map –


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GeoNight 2021 Events map


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Join us!

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Geography = …

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How can I propose an event for GeoNight?

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Proud of Geography

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Propose an event (form in Polish language)


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GeoNight in progress – 2

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Propose an event (form in Slovenian language)


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Propose an event (form in Croatian language)


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Geonight in progress

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Propose an event (form in Lithuanian language)


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Propose an event (form in Hungarian language)


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Viewing this website from…

People are viewing this site from (snapshot taken on February 27 2021, 15.00 CET)   People are viewing this site…

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Propose an event (form in Italian language)


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Propose an event (form in French language)


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Propose an event (form in English language)


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GeoNight 2021 Global Map

[The map you see here is about the 2019 edition. Click for more info] when all the proposed events are…

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About GeoNight

La Nuit de la Géographie / GeoNight In 2017, the French National Geographical Committee (CNFG) initiated the first « Nuit…