Water Education via small-scale projects in Romania

Country: Romania – City: Bucharest – Address: Dimitrie Racovita Street, no 12, Bucharest


Because water is a vital resource that we need to learn to manage, geographers have a duty to society to raise awareness about its many uses, as well as the importance of insuring water sustainability. On the occasion of GeoNight, we intend to bring to the attention of the general public some examples of environmental projects from Romania, which went beyond purely scientific research to teach us how small initiatives created to solve local and regional river basin.

Main objectives:

Showcasing a number of good practices related to river management in Romania, by interviewing a practitioner from a local NGO acting in the river ecologisation field.

Event language: English

The event will be: Interview

Link to the interview!

Reference person: Gabriela Morosanu & Aniss Moumen – Role or function: Chair of the IGU YECG GEOSUS working group – Reference organization: Institute of Geography of the Romanian Academy & ENSA Kenitra, Ibn Tofail University

Those who organize are: Academics, Geography enthusiasts, Students, Water Managers

Expected duration: around 1:30 hour



GeoNight code: 230239