Country: Polska (Poland) – City: Sosnowiec – Address: Polska, Sosnowiec, B?dzi?ska, 60
PL: Seria wyk?adów powtórkowych obejmuj?cych wybrane tre?ci z zakresu rozszerzonego podstawy programowej geografii w szkole ponadgimnazjalnej w nawi?zaniu do zada? arkuszy maturalnych na Matur? 2023.
ENG: A series of repetitive lectures covering selected content in the field of geography in upper secondary school in relation to the tasks of the matura exam 2023.
Main objectives:
Event language: Polski (Polish)
The event will be: “Live” in presence
Link (for online events): it will be displayed here as soon as possible
Reference person: Marta Chmielewska, Adam Hibszer – Role or function: university professor – Reference organization: Uniwersytet ?l?ski w Katowicach (University of Silesia in Katowice)
Those who organize are: Students
Estimated starting time (local time): 3:00:00 PM
Expected duration: the whole evening
Event program: it will be displayed here as soon as possible
GeoNight code: 230232