Country: Italia – City: Salerno – Address: Chiesa di Santa Maria de Lama, Gradoni Madonna della Lama, 29 – 84121 Salerno (SA)
In view of the 2030 Agenda, the integrity of the environment and landscape is a priority objective for every sustainable development project. On the occasion of GeoNight there are some case studies through which to show how environmental and landscape redevelopment is the basis of every possible cultural, social, and economic development of the territory.
Main objectives:
We intend to highlight the premises and consequences of environmental degradation and requalification processes on the socio-economic and cultural development of the territory.
Event language: Italiano
The event will be: Mixed (Online AND in presence)
Link (for online events): it will be displayed here as soon as possible
Reference person: Silvia Siniscalchi – Role or function: Presidente AIIG Sezione Regionale Campania – Reference organization: AIIG Campania-Salerno-Napoli-Avellino, T.C.I. Campania, Università degli Studi di Salerno
Those who organize are: Academics, Free researchers
Estimated starting time (local time): 7:00:00 PM
Expected duration: the whole evening
Event program: it will be displayed here as soon as possible
GeoNight code: 230119