Country: France – City: Strasbourg – Address: 3, rue de l’Argonne, 67000
2:30:00 – 5:00:00 PM // Mapathon (Cart’ONG/Missing Maps) [By registration only]
5:00:00 – 19:00:00 PM // Exhibition “The night in GIS” (Students of the Master degree (1st Year) “Earth Observation and GIS”)
19:00:00 – 21:00:00 PM // Screening-debate (Student’s Association of Geographers – AEGS)
Main objectives:
Popularizing remote sensing and GIS sciences
Event language: French
The event will be: “Live” in presence
Link (for online events): it will be displayed here as soon as possible
Reference person: Pierre-Alexis Herrault – Role or function: Associate professor at University – Reference organization: Faculty of Geography (University of Strasbourg)
Those who organize are: Students
Estimated starting time (local time): 2:30:00 PM
Expected duration: 6 hours
Event program: see description of the event
GeoNight code: 230062