Country: Croatia (Hrvatska) – City: Zadar – Address: Hrvatska, Zadar, Ulica. dr. Franje Tu?mana 24/G
Renewable energy sources of Zadar County
Students will be given the task of creating an ArcGis StoryMap with the topic: Renewable energy sources of Zadar County. StoryMap must contain: explanation of renewable energy sources, and and which energy sources are considered renewable. Geographical map of Zadar County and a description of the natural and geographical characteristics of Zadar County. Marked locations of renewable sources on the geographic map of Zadar County and an explanation of their purpose and utilization. Additional materials: photos, videos, articles, tables and charts. The students will present the best stories at the GeoNight other students of their school.
U?enici ?e dobiti zadatak izraditi ArcGis StoryMap s temom: Obnovljivi izvori energije Zadarske upanije. StoryMap mora sadravati: objanjenje obnovljivih izvore energije, te navesti koji su obnovljivi izvori energije. Geografsku kartu Zadarske upanije te opis prirodno-geografskih karakteristika Zadarske upanije. Ozna?ene lokacije obnovljivih izvora na geografskoj karti Zadarske upanije te objanjenje njihove namjene i iskoritavanja. Dodatne materijale: fotografije, video snimke, ?lanke, tablice i grafikone. Najbolje pri?e u?enici ?e predstaviti na No?i geografije ostalim u?enicima svoje kole.
Main objectives:
Osvijestiti vanost geografije u obrazovanju i u svakodnevnom ivotu u?enika. Poticati kod u?enika kreativnost i upotrebu digitalnih alata.
Event language: hrvatski
The event will be: “Uivo” uz prisustvo sudionika (ukoliko to dopuste epidemioloke mjere, u suprotnom odrat ?e se online)
Link (for online events): it will be displayed here as soon as possible
Reference person: Marijana kunca-Vrki? – Role or function: nastavnik – Reference organization: Medicinska kola Ante Kuzmani?a Zadar
Those who organize are: predstavnici akademske zajednice
Estimated starting time (local time):
Expected duration: oko 2 sata
Event program: it will be displayed here as soon as possible
GeoNight code: 230035