Critical mapping workshop: Eastern sector of the park “Cuña Verde de O`Donnell. Madrid, Spain.

Country: España, Spain – City: Madrid – Address: Spain, Madrid, Estación de metro: Alsacia. Avenida de Guadalajara 1.


A critical workshop will be held on a complex urban space that, according to the planning, must fulfil a triple role: cohesive of very dense neighbourhoods (hinge or connector of three districts Moratalaz, Vicálvaro and Ciudad Lineal), urban park (multifunctional service to neighbours from all over Madrid) and green infrastructure (connector and support against climate change).
The following activities will be carried out:
– General presentation of the park and its surroundings. Critical mapping tools.
– Guided tour and drawing during the fieldwork (in addition to the proposed icons, other drawings, phrases or slogans can be incorporated).
– Presentation of the maps and final debate.
The issues to be debated will be the following: dumping of inert materials, shantytowns, green rings, public intervention, historical memory of the territory (streams, marginal settlements, roads, Arganda railway, extractive activities, etc.), landscaping, park design, opportunity spaces, environmental justice, dichotomy between environmental and/or social function, landscape recovery, etc.

Main objectives:

Based on a joint exploration, the aim is to propose, through synthetic maps made with collaboratively created icons, its characteristics (strengths and weaknesses of the current design), dynamics (opportunities and dangers) and alternatives to the current organisation and land use of the park.
The elaboration of the maps and the subsequent debate will favour the understanding of a complex space, the identification of the most relevant issues and the elaboration of alternative proposals.

Event language: Spanish

The event will be: “Live” in presence

Link (for online events): it will be displayed here as soon as possible

Reference person: Nieves López-Estébanez (Elia Canosa/Montserrat Gómez/María Pilar Palomar/ Rafael Mata/ Raúl Romero/Carmen Mínguez) – Role or function: University professor – Reference organization: Department of Geography. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid / Department of Education, Language, Culture and Arts Sciences, Historical-Legal and Humanistic Sciences and Modern Languages. Universidad Juan Carlos I / Department of Geology, Geography and Enviroment. Universidad de Alcalá de Henares / Department of Humanities, History, Geography and Art. Universidad Carlos III / Department of Geography. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Those who organize are: Academics

Estimated starting time (local time): 6:30:00 PM

Expected duration: around 2 hours

Event program: it will be displayed here as soon as possible


GeoNight code: 230248