Country: Slovenija –
City: Kulturni dom A. M. Slomška Šentvid pri Lukovici, Veidrov trg 4, 1225 Lukovica (46.16097° 14.67509°) –
Address: Kulturni dom A. M. Slomška Šentvid pri Lukovici, Veidrov trg 4, 1225 Lukovica (46.16097° 14.67509°)
Impressions from southern India
The presenter will share his impressions from the last visit to South India (Bangalore, Nagarhole national park, Wayanad, Andaman Islands) and present his observations of traffic and tourism in that part of the world.
Dogodek je namenjen kratki predstavitvi južnoindijskih zveznih držav, mesta Bangalore ter deljenju popotnih vtisov iz Karnatake in njenega sosedstva ter z obiska Anadamanskih otokov. Govora bo o prometu in turizmu v tem delu sveta, pa tudi o vsakdanjem življenju v velemestu, ki ima menda že krepko čez 11 milijonov prebivalcev.
Main objectives:
Event language: slovenščina
The event will be: v živo z občinstvom
Link (for online events): live streaming is not planned
Reference person: Stanko Pelc – Role or function: član društva – Reference organization: Turistično drutvo Sv. Vid
Those who organize are: strokovnjaki, geografski navdušenci
Estimated starting time (local time): 7:47:00 PM
Expected duration: približno dve uri
Event program:
- From 7:00 PM – tastes, smells and sounds of southern India
- At 7:47 PM – The impressions from the visit to Bangalore, Wayanad, Nagarhole and Andaman Islands
GeoNight code: 230241