Country: Romania – City: Bucharest – Address: Faculty of Geography, 1 Nicolae Balcescu, 010041
The event consists in a movie release on Youtube and social media about river dynamics. Rivers were transformed by anthropogenic pressures. Nowadays, they are restored. What is the efficacy of such projects? We answer these questions based on the case study of Comana Marsh in southern Romania.
Main objectives:
Celebrate physical geography and transfer knowledge on river dynamics as part of our environment to the general public.
Event language: Romanian
The event will be: online movie
Link (for online events): website of the project EfectRiv
Reference person:
Gabriela Ioana-Toroimac, assistant professor at University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography
Gabriela Morosanu, researcher at Romanian Academy, Institute of Geography
Those who organize are: Academics, Geography enthusiasts, Students, general public
Estimated starting time (local time): 9:00:00 PM
Expected duration: less then 30 minutes
Event program: our movie will remain online, you can watch it whenever you want!
GeoNight code: 230238