Politička geografija Jugoistočne Europe


Politička geografija Jugoistočne Europe

Political geography of Southeast Europe


The event will be: online predavanje (https://us05web.zoom.us/j/83616294690?pwd=RTExd1ptRU1SM2ptQkhmdldsL3ZmUT09)   

Short presentation of the event: Predavanje u trajanju do jednog sata o političkoj geografiji Jugoistočne Europe.

Lecture lasting up to one hour on the political geography of Southeast Europe.

Objectives: Upoznati sudionike s aktualnostima glede političke geografije u Jugoistočnoj Europi.

Event language: hrvatski

Country: Croatia / Hrvatska

City: Zagreb

Link (for online events): https://us05web.zoom.us/j/83616294690?pwd=RTExd1ptRU1SM2ptQkhmdldsL3ZmUT09  

Reference person: Danijel Bačan

Role or Function: prvostupnik geografije

Reference Organization (if any): Hrvatsko geografsko društvo Zagreb

Those who organize are: student

Expected duration: oko 1 sat

