Oulu: město, kde se i v zimě jezdí na kole (Oulu: the city where you bike even in winter)

Oulu: město, kde se i v zimě jezdí na kole (Oulu: the city where you bike even in winter)

The event will be: hybrid (online – ZOOM, and in presence – Prague)

Short presentation of the event: Zhlédněte na vlastní oči krásy Finského severu. Můžete se těšit na tipy a triky na Erasmus v Oulu a kromě severního Finska prozkoumáme také další Finská zákoutí, okolní země a na chvíli nahlédneme i do Laponska.

See the beauty of the Finnish North with your own eyes. You can get ready for tips and tricks about Erasmus in Oulu, and together we´ll explore northern Finland, as well as other parts of Finland, surrounding countries, and take we´ll make a short detour into Lapland.


Event language: czech

Country: Czechia

City: Prague 

ZOOM link: https://cuni-cz.zoom.us/j/95830401388
Meeting ID: 958 3040 1388


Reference Organization: Czech Geographical Society, EGEA Czechia (EGEA Prague)

Those who organize are: students

Expected duration: around 1,5 hours

