Celebrate Geography with OAGEE


Celebrate Geography with OAGEE

Celebrate Geography with OAGEE


The event will be: Online Friday April 1, 2022 @7pm EST  See link below!

Short presentation of the event: How to celebrate Geo in your classroom: Teachers will participate in an evening of  fun testing your knowledge about Canada! Time for some trivia!


Objectives: Bring together Geography teachers for a celebration and fun evening of Geo strategies which can be used in their classrooms

Event language: English

Country: Canada

City: Kingston

Link (for online events): https://queensu.zoom.us/j/97451133148?pwd=clEwVVdDcitFU2U4LzFBdlVIb01PZz09

Reference person: Anne Mansfield

Role or Function: President

Reference Organization Ontario Association of Geographic & Environmental Educators www.oagee.org

Those who organize are: Academics, Geography enthusiasts, Geography Teachers

Expected duration: around 1 hour

Event program: Join us and “hang out” with other Geo-Geeks and have some fun and learn! Chance to win an OAGEE membership for one year!
